Ω I Get My Own Paparazzi Ω

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I have to admit, that was a real confidence booster. It's not every day I'm respected for being a son of Hades. Most people are more something like, "Yes, yes, whatever you say, just don't kill me."

When Annabeth told us to shield our eyes, of course I kept mine wide open; I noticed Percy did, too.

We walk for a few more moments, then all of a sudden I close my eyes. I try to open them, but they remain shut. Finally I realize that my eyes aren't closed at all; they're open and surrounded in a pitch-blackness that's so dark it hurts my eyes.

"What-" Percy starts to ask.

"I told you, this is Nyx's territory," Annabeth says, sounding calmer than I feel. "She's the goddess of night."

"This will be fun," I say sarcastically.

Together, we plunge into the darkness.


"Anyone have a nightlight?" Percy asks a few moments later.

"Why would you want light," a screechy female voice asks, "when you're in the center of darkness?"

I sense Annabeth tensing up next to me. "Night?" I mutter.

"Nyx," she says aloud. "Great to see you again!"

Nyx's voice sounds perplexed when she speaks. "Great to see me?"

"Oh, yeah," Annabeth says cheerfully. "We're back! And guess what?"

"What?" Nyx asks suspiciously.

"You're on the tour now!" Annabeth says. "We managed to get the first available tickets."

"Really?" Nyx sounds excited.

"Really!" Annabeth says enthusiastically. "Do you mind if we get a picture with you?"

"Uh, Annabeth," I mutter, nudging her, "I don't think-"

"Just trust me on this," she says through what sounds like a forced smile.

"A picture?" Nyx asks.

"I want to be in a picture!" another voice shrieks.

"No, I want to!"

"Mother, let me be in the picture!"

"Children, children, settle down," Nyx says, sounding flustered. By now my eyes have adjusted to the dark, and I can see her looking around.

"Just pick one! We're in a rush, we want to see the Doors again," Annabeth says, pulling off an impression of a time-pressed tourist. She twists around and starts rustling around in her backpack.

Percy has stayed silent the whole time, and I'm starting to wonder why when I see the horses that are pulling Nyx's chariot. Then I see Nyx herself. She's tall, almost intimidatingly so, with glowing eyes and wings that seem to be made of darkness itself. Percy is staring, perplexed, at the horses as he speaks. "They want to eat us."

Nyx laughs. "Oh, they won't eat you. Not yet, anyway."

"Aha!" Annabeth pulls a small rectangle out of her pack. "All right, Nyx, there's only really enough room for two people in the frame, so I need you to pick someone to be in it with you."

Then I realize the rectangle Annabeth is holding is a camera. I raise an eyebrow, but she mutters in my ear, "Camera flash plus Night equals light, light equals escape."

"Oh." Now I feel stupid, but I nod.

"How about the son of Hades joins me?"

"Wait, what?" I stare at Nyx.

"Of course! It's not every day I meet a son of the king of the dead. Why don't you take a picture with me?" Nyx sounds genuinely excited, enough to make me suspicious.

I hesitate. Annabeth elbows me in the ribs. "Just do it, Death Breath."

I almost growl at her; I don't like that nickname. But she looks at me with a glint in her eye that tells me it's necessary.

"Fine," I grumble. "Just no autographs."

"Excellent!" Nyx cries. "Over here."

I approach her cautiously, my fingers brushing the hilt of my sword just in case. Nyx reaches out and grabs my arm, her nails piercing my skin through my sweatshirt, pulling me into her side and almost dislocating my shoulder. I stumble onto her chariot and turn so that I'm facing Annabeth. She raises the camera to her eye and says, "Smile!"

I don't smile.

Before Annabeth can press the button, though, I feel something go around my mouth and eyes. Nyx cackles; Percy and Annabeth start yelling. I almost don't hear them, though, over Nyx's voice in my ear.

"Say 'Cheese', son of Hades!"

Whatever is around my face is slowly suffocating me, pounding in my ears, and wafting into my nose all at the same time.

It isn't long until everything fades away.


Chapter 20! I'm happy! And I'm so glad I cranked this out!

So yeah, finally something happens. Ni-co's in trou-ble!

I think I updated faster this time than C19, but.... I still feel guilty. Dedication to @CouchPotater for motivational comments and PMs!

I'm trying to make an updated cover for this... If any of you can make one or know something/one that can, PM me!

Happy reading,


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