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Renatas POV

I initially only wanted the man's food, but having a soulmate might prove to be useful. I glanced to the side, noticing how he kept an eye on the food bundled in my arms. Interesting, I mused, tempted to just trample the precious nourishment.

"Family?" I asked, turning sharply to the right and into a small alley.

He nodded, hmmmm that won't do.

"If you tell me where they are I'll be able to get these to them faster than just going on foot." He thought for a moment before describing his home.

I tipped my head and whistled, long and sharp. We waited a few moments before a small figure dropped from a nearby roof to stand before us. "Yes mistress?" The young girl asked, bowing slightly.

"Ah Mel dear, I need this to be delivered to the blue door on the 73rd street. And please, take Lee with you." As I issued my orders the girl perked up, smiling viciously. "Of course mistress." She cooed, leaving immediately.

I turned back to Andre and considered my next actions. "Well now Andre, we've got a bit of a problem here." I stated slowly pulling out my blades.

He looked at my blades nervously, "we do?" Oh, HOW INNOCENT!!!

I nodded and circled him, slowly dragging a blade across the walls.

"Ya see, I like the way things are. I kill who I want when I want. I take anything I deem pretty. But most importantly, they all fear me. I've lived nearly a hundred years now, and I'm not planning on aging. So it's seems ya gotta go darling. No hard feelings, right?"

I lunged towards him blades raised and a smile stretched across my face.

I didn't think he'd be armed.

The knife slipped into my stomach with ease, stopping my attack. I looked into his face... and he was smiling!

"No hard feelings, right?" He asked, throwing my words back at me.

I couldn't help it, I laughed. "Me and you? We gonna meet again, and it's gonna be fun! Just you watch!" Blood burbled up my throat and I didn't stop laughing. Oh,what fun, I thought.

Andres POV

Her body sagged as my blade slipped from her body.

I turned to the side and retched.

How could I?

I killed her

My soulmate

Her words rang in my head, and a feeling of unease settled with them. I doubt she was lying.

I looked towards the direction of my home, I doubted any of my family had survived her assassins.

I took one final look at her body and made a silent vow.

No matter how many times you come back, I'll kill you, I promise.

I strode away from the body, thinking over the information shed given me. Hemlock huh? Such an Interesting name, maybe I should have inquired about its origins.

Kiaras POV

I dragged myself up to the bar at Nina's Place, hoping for a nice drink to help me relax a bit. Nina was immediately in front of me, pushing a platter of fried gator bits into my space.

"I actually only wanted a..."

"Have you eaten today?"

"Well, no, but..."

"No drinks til you've eaten."


"Eat!." She growled at me, whirling away to talk to a couple who'd just walked in. I started methodically chewing the pieces, barely registering the delicious taste. "What's up Kiowa? You always love our food!"

I explained how Andre had been following me incessantly, and how I was tired of it. She nodded and looked thoughtful for a moment. "Let me go make a few calls real quick then I'll get ya that drink." Nina bustled off, leaving me a bit confused.

Ok then.

Ninas POV

I push past the boxes lining the the large pantry, searching for a small white box. I finally find it hiding under a rag on the back shelf.

It was an ordinary box, really boring, with only the name of its contents printed in curling black script.

Lovers Balm Tea

I brushed it off and cradled it softly in my arms. This would be the answer to the poor girls problems.

I moved all the boxes back into place, and closed the pantry. T waited on the other side, arms crossed and face set.

"Are you sure about this Nina?"

"You know as well as I do that he needs to go."

"But Kiara?"

"Will understand that it's necessary."

She nodded and turned away, going back to cooking. I grabbed some butcher paper and stepped the box neatly. It's for their own good.

I put it next to the mail slot in the back, with the young girls address written on the back. I hope I was right, that she would understand.

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