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(3 months later)

Kiaras POV

I don't like thinking about that time.

I died, a couple times actually, and it was beyond pleasant.

When I blacked out they said I was gone for a minute, and when they got me back they were rushing me to the hospital. I died again on the way, four minutes, and it was harder to bring me back.

I was rushed to the ER, but they didn't know what was wrong with me, and I died a third time. Five minutes twenty-one seconds. After that I stabilized, they still couldn't figure out what happened. They ran a plethora of tests and anxiously waited for me to wake up.

I did, and here's what I believe happened.

Andre had been stalking me for quite a while, and I had eventually thought it a good idea to just sit with him and talk it out. When he showed up he offered to make the drinks with a special tea he said he'd gotten while on a business trip. I had thought the gesture sweet. I think now he poisoned the tea.

I told my story, adding tears at the end.

How could he be so cruel?

They believed, but unfortunately they didn't test the tea and now it was too late. I was discharged from the hospital and returned home.

Someone cleaned up our mess.

I looked around and a sudden urge overtook me. I started to work dance.

No I don't like thinking back on those times, wouldn't want to seem to happy, now would I?

A/N Whelp that's it, if y'all want anything in particular written just ask. 

Bye bye

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