Missing Colors

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Damians POV

Trinity was really starting to freak me out. She was singing, screeching, at the top of her lungs clutching my arm and acting out that one love song from Lion King. People were stopping and staring at us as I tried to shush her, looking to my friend Jane, for help. She shook her head, smirking as she held up a now empty coffee cup.

"You little shit, you did this." I accused, trying to dislodge Trinity again.

We were hurrying towards the college campus, separating to go to our respective buildings.

The college I had ultimately chose was a kind of jack of all trades school. There was a building for every kind of education possible.

I headed towards one of the more squat buildings. It looked relatively normal, but in the back there was large garage doors opening up into a mechanics dream workshop. It's where I was learning to fix every car ever.

I was distracted as I strolled towards the building, trying to organize my music into a new playlist so I could work. I didn't see the group that came sprinting at me from my left until the last second.

Oh fuck

Two of them slammed into me, causing the three of us to crash to the ground in a pile. My tailbone collided with the concrete and I let out a yelp as pain exploded up my spine. I tried pushing at them, not really succeeding. I started to swear profusely, trying to squirm away from the dazed looking idiots.

"Goddamn fucking baka, can hardly breathe, FUCKING ASSHATS!" I growled, finally getting them off of me. One of them was a red head dude who looked at me wide eyed and then glanced at his watch. He jumped up and darted past us, shouting back to his friend.

"Sorry dude! I can't be late again!" He threw a hand up in a wave and disappeared inside the med building.

I looked back to his friend and was startled to see a rather large hand extended to help me up. I grabbed the offered appendage, and peered up into the man's face, ready to thank him.

I blinked and I'm pretty sure my mouth was hanging open.

His eyes, my god, his eyes!

They swirled with a vibrant color that made me feel warm, safe. A color I'd never actually seen before, but that my friends adamantly tried to describe.

Green, dear lord his eyes were green

His eyes were huge and he let go of my hand, letting me drop back onto my already sore behind. Before I could utter a word, he took off, leaving me feeling...



No, he made me feel... Angry

How dare he just take off like that! Asshole piece of shit douche nozzle!

I lurched to my feet and shot a quick message to my instructor, explaining that I'd fallen and was in need of medical attention. He replied immediately, telling me to get my ass better and be in tomorrow.

I then texted my friends, sending only a few words I knew they'd understand.

Code green, gonna murder an asshat

I headed to our favorite café, and waited.

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