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Third person POV

Axel dragged Rus away from the kitchen's doorway, hissing something about privacy and how he was an idiot while Rus yelled for Charlie to call if they needed anything.

Leaving the new soulmates alone...

Teddy was staring at Charlie, trying to figure out what they were saying while also wondering how anyone could be that small and be an adult. Did they make adult clothes that small? Is that why their sweater was so big?

It was adorable

To his slight frustration, he figured he had no idea what they were trying to say to him. "Alright, it seems I am unable to properly understand you, would you mind if I used Rus to translate for me until I learned?"

Charlie nodded, pursing their lips before issuing a shrill whistle. A crash came from the kitchen and suddenly Rus was vaulting over the front counter and stumbling to their table. He bowed, smirking as their shoulders bounced with their silent laughter. "You called?"

Charlie nodded, Will you speak for me? Until he can learn for himself?

Rus gasped, hand over his heart as he used the other to wipe away imaginary tears. "My little buddy! Asking for my help! Course I'll help ya out. So, any questions?"

Is... is he ok with me being mute?

"He better be." Charlie tried to glare, looking more like a pissed off kitten than anything else. "Alright, alright, no need ta give me evil looks." Rus pulled up a chair. "Hey, boss, you alright with Charlie being mute?"

Teddy started, finally looking away from Charlie. "Why wouldn't I?"

A lot of people don't like it, they like to say I'm lying, or...

They trailed off, hands dropping to their lap as they refused to meet Teddy's eyes. He was their soulmate, so he would be different... right?

"They said others aren't really accepting of it, one sec boss. What're their names? bet I know 'em, want me ta spit in their coffee?"

They watched as Charlie's eye's shot to Rus before they frantically started signing, Teddy noted that they were frowning like his aunt when he did something wrong.

"Hey now, I wasn' serious, no need to shout at me." Rus froze, face blazing red as Charlie started silently laughing again. "Fuck, I'm never gonna live that down."

Ah, so they were angry, why would they protect their abusers like that?

Charlie turned on Teddy and tried to give him a stern look too, shaking their finger at him threateningly. "I get it, no hurting them, how noble of you." He chuckled as they drew back, cheeks turning pink as they huffed.

"So," he started, "it is lovely to meet you, Charlie, my name is Theodor, but I prefer the name, Teddy." He offered his hand, staring in awe at how small their hand was compared to his own. "You're like a doll." He murmured, lifting their hand and inspecting it.

They blushed again and took back their hand, waving off his words.

The three of them continued like that for nearly an hour, Axel joined after grumbling about his aching stomach and bad muffins.

Teddy learned that Charlie helped run the orphanage they grew up in, doing all of it's accounting as well as helping the children with whatever they needed. He thought it fit them perfectly, admiring the way they became more animated as they talked about the kids. He learned the reason they were mute was because the flower grew around their vocal cords, they couldn't make any noise really.

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