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Kiaras POV

Dread was weighing heavily in my stomach for the rest of the day. I clocked out, saying a goodnight to the night shift, before meandering my way home.

I decided I might as well walk home, hoping that the exercise would wear me out. I passed by several café's on my way and considered just picking up my dinner since I absolutely sucked at cooking. I decided to head to a small pub that sat at the corner of my street. I've eaten here enough that the owner knew me and what I liked to eat. 

I strolled through the doors of Nina's Place only to run into Nina herself. The taller girl was a tornado of chaotic colors and and foul words. "Damnit, oh hey Kiowaaa, shit sorry for the language.... FUCK!!!" She twirled over to another table, whipping out her notepad and listing off the menu of the day. "Kay, we got baked ziti, with a side salad. Mama T's famous Chicken Curry with rice and veggies. Stuffed Shiitake mushrooms, filled with four types of cheese and bacon. For dessert we got some mini apple pies made with love by our amazing Mama T! So whatcha want?" As they decided I headed to the back, mouth watering from the aromatic smell of curry. I glided into the kitchen and plopped down at a table that was set in the back. In seconds a plate, loaded with rice, steamed veggies, and curry, was dropped in front of me by Mama T. I immediately dug in, watching as Nina came storming in, cussing as she slammed her hip into the counter. "Maybe being a cook was a bad idea, too much fucking food." 

I watched as they worked and enjoyed the warm atmosphere, it was like a real home. All to soon my food was gone and I had to head home to get sleep so I wasn't completely dead for my shift tomorrow morning. I said my goodbyes and headed out, feeling weary and heavy.

I lived in a little brownstone wedged between two office buildings, it was beautiful and cheap and just the right size for me and my extensive book collection. I tossed my keys on the kitchen counter and wound through piles of books and ish. I barely made it to my room before I face planted on top of the covers and sleep overcame me.

But of course those were shitty too.


I was running, gravel cutting into my feet, but it didn't slow me down. I wasn't trying to escape? No I was trying to... protect something? Yes I was trying to protect something, no someone! I looked down at the bundle in my arms and I couldn't stifle the sob that ripped out of my throat. I needed to get her away from him, I needed to make sure that she never had to handle his insanity. A crack shattered the night air and pain exploded through my shoulder. I screamed and fell, twisting myself so that my baby didn't get hurt. Yes that's who I was protecting, my beautiful little baby girl. She was startled awake by the crack of the gun and I tried to soothe her back to sleep, fighting the sobs rising in my chest. I looked up and any hope I had left shattered. He towered above me, pain and betrayal written across his face. "I thought you knew better, my love." He knelt next to me and ripped my baby from my arms. I shrieked and fought the pain, preparing to lunge for her. The barrel of the gun was cold against my forehead and I looked up into his face, the face of the man whom I'd thought loved me above all else. I was wrong. "Don't worry, I'll take care of Xandria. Until next time, Renata." I closed my eyes and then another crack, like the heavens shattering, then nothing at all.

~End of dream~

I bolted awake, drenched in sweat, with a scream on my lips. Why? Why now? Did the universe think this was funny? Because I sure as hell didn't. I stumbled to the bathroom, turning the shower to its highest temperature and stripping before heaving myself under the spray. 

Whelp, I thought darkly, I'm fucked.

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