Missing Colors-Continued

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Rolands POV

He darted out of the room, giving me quite the pleasant view.

Damn he's got a nice ass

I shook my head and turned back to my room, wondering what I was gonna wear, considering I didn't even have shoes! I groaned and plopped down onto the bed. Damnit, how the hell was I supposed to take him out without shoes? FUCK! I lurched to my feet and started pacing, trying to figure out what to do.

My phone went off, "This is Halloween!" From The Nightmare Before Christmas, blaring and scaring the shit outta me. I snatched it off the nightstand, hitting the answer button before, hesitantly, bringing it to my ear.


"Check the wardrobe thing is." She said.


"CHECK THE THING!" She screeched.

I wonder and walked over to the wardrobe that Damian had brought in last night. I peeked in and stared in amazement.


"Don't ask stupid questions." She answered, before the line went dead.

If I didn't fear her before, I definitely did now. The wardrobe was filled; shirts, jeans, shoes. Almost all my clothes that I had left at my parents house.

My phone chimed with a text.

I will get ya the rest later. ;)

I stared in horror, Sophia was one hell of a scary girl. Trying to push away my unease I started going through my options, and decided I'd go for simple. I pulled out a pair of old jeans and a simple black muscle tee.

Hopefully he'll be okay with the location of our date

I jog out to the front room, leaning against the door as I wait for him. Bubbles came and sat in front of me, tilting her head as she stared me down. Her eyes were the strangest I had ever seen on a dog, one a deep blue and the other a light, crystal green.

"What? Am I dressed ok?" God I'm talking to a dog!

She tilted her head to the opposite side, seeming to consider my words.

"How about I tuck in my shirt? Do you think that would nicer?" Yup, totally going crazy.

She huffed and straightened up, well I guess she answered that then.

I chuckled and tucked in my shirt, feeling her approval. I slouched against the door and continued to wait for him to come down. It wasn't a long wait. He came trotting down soon, looking absolutely stunning in his skinny jeans and button up. He looked at me and started blushing like mad, looking down at his own attire and seeming to doubt his choices.

He reached my side and I tapped him on the forehead, gaining his attention. "Don't worry, you look really cute!" Really, cute? He's way more than cute! Idiot.

He flushed an even darker shade of red and I chuckled. I threw my arm over his shoulder, pulling him along as we left the house.

I really hope he likes where I'm taking him

Damians POV

Where did the new clothes come from?

I opened my mouth to ask when I noticed that I was being led to a cherry red Mini Cooper. Now, I'm not one to judge, but Roland was a big guy and, well, it was called a "Mini" Cooper for a reason. I tried to stifle my laughter, but I wasn't entirely successful. He glares down at me playfully before grumbling about how he's got nothing to prove. I snickered and made my way over to the passengers side. To my utter surprise, Roland was waiting for me, door already opened like a gentleman. I smiled at him, settling myself in. He closed my door and strode back to the drivers side. As he sat I expected him to smack his head, but it was actually really spacious and he fit nicely.

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