Chapter 7: Rumours Has It

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I woke up to the sun, blinding me. I slowly opened up my eyes, still sleepy and confused. Where was I? This wasn’t my room? How had I ended up here? I was still looking around the room, confused to where I was, when I felt another leg touching mine. I quickly moved away and turned to see who it was. My heart skipped a beat when I saw who it was who were laying next to me.

He was still sleeping so I tried to slowly get up from the bed. I then walked over to the window and looked outside. We must’ve slept for a really long time, because it looked like it was already evening. I covered up the window so that it wouldn’t wake up Tyler too.

“You were cheating! I can see it in the way you smile! You’re so busted!” Zoe screamed as I was walking down the stairs.

“No, I didn’t! Just because I’m not the greatest player in the world when it comes to poker, doesn’t mean I was cheating! You’re just a poor loser, aren’t you?” another voice cried out. I laughed. Caspar wasn’t exactly the best at poker and card games and everybody knew that. So when he would win, everybody would think he was cheating. I didn’t blame Zoe at all. In fact, I think I would do the exact same thing.

“Guys, calm down. It’s just a game, remember?” Alfie said, looking at both Zoe and Caspar. “We can play something else, if you want to” he continued. This caused even more discussions and shouting from both Zoe and Caspar. Though, everyone stopped and looked at me when I took the last steps and entered the living-room.

“Well hello, there! We thought you two would never wake up!” Marcus said. He had separated himself from the shouting group and sat alone in the corner of the room with his laptop. He was probably editing the new video Caspar and him had filmed yesterday. I blushed as I noticed that he had said “you two”, as in Tyler and me. Did they know? How? Had Tyler said anything? No, I told myself, he was still sleeping. The only way they would have known was if they had walked into our room. Oh no. That sight must’ve looked like something it wasn’t.

I walked over to the kitchen, ignoring the weird looks from everyone in the room. I grabbed a Nutella and found a teaspoon. Just as I was about to put a spoonful into my mouth, Alfie interrupted me.

“Come on now! Tell us! What’s going on?” he said, placing a little smile on his lips. His question made me think. What was really going on? Did I really know what was happening? Was it just something that had happened unintentionally? How did Tyler feel about all this? Maybe he just thought that it was normal to sleep in the same bed as your friend. Even when we were both gay.

“Uh.. I don’t-“I began, before we all turned around as the guy I had slept with (and please, don’t take that the wrong way) stepped into the living room.

“Good morning!” he said, smiling his little smile which made me want to hold him in my arms and never let go of him. His hair was messy and he looked like he hadn’t slept in days. Don’t misunderstand me, he didn’t look tired or anything. It was just something in the way he moved that told me that he would much rather sleep right now.

“Did you get any sleep at all tonight?” Marcus said, winking to me, but directed the question to Tyler. Tyler looked confused and looked from Marcus to Alfie, to Zoe and Caspar and back at Marcus again. Marcus’s question had caused Zoe and Alfie to laugh quietly. Caspar was just standing there, staring at me and smiling his widest smile. I was trying my best not to laugh at his expression. It looked like he was in pain or something. A small laugh escaped my lips and Tyler turned around to smile at me. It was like he hadn’t noticed that I was here before now.

“Well hello, Troye. Did you sleep well?” he said, raising an eyebrow and smiling at the same time. I couldn’t do anything but smile back at him.

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