Chapter 17: Dealing with the Psycho - Part 1

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Tyler’s POV:

When we arrived at the restaurant it looked empty. The lights were off and we were the only ones here. There was nobody else to be seen anywhere.

It was beginning to get dark and the street lamps were suddently turned on. The light threw circles of dim light on the road and lit up the restaurant a bit more. Now we could see the tables and chairs inside. It was tidy and the chairs were stacked on top of the tables.

“What do we do now?” Zoe asked from the backseat. I searched around in my pocket and found my wallet. I found my credit card and paid the amount of money the ride was. It was a hell of a lot of money, but that didn’t even cross my mind at this point. The only thing I could focus on right now was how I was going to beat Nicholas up.

“Marcus” I said, looking at him. “You and Zoe sneak in through the back door. Be careful not to be seen by Nicholas. He is expecting me to come alone, remember? The door should be easy to break through. The last time I saw it it was old and rusty. Go inside and look for Troye everywhere” I was on my way out when Marcus interrupted me.

“What are you gonna do?” he asked.

I thought about it for a second before I looked him straight in the eyes. “I’m gonna distract him by talking to him. I’ll be in the main area, where the tables are. Then you’ll have to stay away from there and look for Troye everywhere else in the restaurant. Bring him outside and keep him there”.

Marcus nodded quickly before grabbing Zoe’s arm and pulling her with him. I watched them disappear behind the building, careful not to be spotted. I thanked the taxi driver for the long ride, before I opened up the door and stepped out of the taxi.

The restaurant seemed even darker when you got closer. It might even have scared me a bit. Even closer I saw that one of the windows near the door was crushed. I could only imagine how Nicholas and Troye had shown up here in the minibus, crushed a window and broken into the restaurant.  I reached the double door and pulled it. It was open.

Inside the restaurant I looked around. The tables and decorations were almost the same as it had been the last time I was here. It sent chills down my spine just thinking about this restaurant and all the memories from here. I still couldn’t believe I had actually been to several dates with Nicholas in this exact room. I looked to my right and spotted a table. But not just any table. The table. The table Nicholas and I always sat at on our dates together. My stomach sank just by the sight of it.

“Memorizing from our lovely time together, are we?” A sudden voice was heard. My head snapped up, but I didn’t see anyone. “I know. I miss it too, Tyler. But, you know, things came up and...” he trailed off and I could hear by his voice that he was smiling. “Anyways. The important thing is that we finally are here again. Together. Isn’t that right, Tyler?” he said, not really expecting me to answer. I could still not see him and that made me furious. “Do you remember every date we had here, Tyler? Cause I do. I’m pretty sure you do too. You just won’t admit it, Tyler. What a shame. Do you remember that time in the bathroom stall? God, that was hot! You got pretty loud too, if I remember correctly. Begging and everything...” he trailed off again. I was getting annoyed with this.

“Nicholas, why won’t you just step out of the dark so I can see you? And, please, cut to the point already. I’m getting quite bored of your talking. Better hurry up and say what you wanna say before I fall asleep or leave”. That made him chuckle. I don’t know why. There was nothing really funny about what I said, but I guess psychic people found everything hilarious.

“Oh Tyler” he sighed. “We don’t have to hurry! I can use as much time as I want to. And besides, both you and I know that you’re not gonna leave here anytime soon. And we both know the reason for that”.

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