Chapter 18: Praying to God

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Surrounded by blackness and absolutely nothing, I couldn’t do anything. My legs and arms refused to respond and it felt like I was being held down by ropes. I would have thought so, if it wasn’t for the fact that I didn’t feel the ropes on my body. In fact, I didn’t feel anything. My whole body was completely numb.

I had lost count of how many minutes I had been trapped in this strange, strange place. It smelt weird here, like dust, steel and soap. Combined. I had no idea what kind of a place this was. I just wanted to get out of here. I wanted someone to come talk to me. I was getting nervous that I would never see anyone again. Maybe I had become blind? I mean, it was quite possible, ‘cause I had all of my other senses, like my smell and hearing.

Look at yourself!

The voice spoke again. It had been going through my head, repeating its sentences. Hovering over my shoulders like a heavy cape.

You look ridiculous! Get over yourself and stop making it seem like this wasn’t your fault! ‘Cause we both know it was your fault. Stop making Nicholas the one to blame

I shivered and closed my eyes shut. Then the voice didn’t speak for a long time and I assumed it had gone away again. I let out a relieved sigh.

Tyler’s POV:

I wasn’t one of the people that were creeped out by hospitals. On the other side, I didn't I like them either. I just thought they were kind of a weird place. Everything in there weirded me out. The smell, the nurses and doctors, the colors, the broad corridors, the numbered doors, the weird, kind of yellow floor and even the paintings on the freaking walls! I didn’t quite understand why they couldn’t make the hospitals a bit less weird. Make it a bit more normal and maybe even homely? I shook the thought off. I had other things to think about right now.

“It’s right up this staircase and to the left,” A nurse followed us up a staircase with wide steps and with the same, weird paintings on the walls. Even though I didn’t quite see the point in them, they relaxed me in a way. Maybe that’s why I hadn’t freaked out yet, because I was busy looking at the paintings and not thinking about the reason why we actually were here. They had distracted me and made me think about something else for a change. And then I thought, maybe that’s why they were here! To distract people from worrying too much about other things and to instead think about how weird and random they were.

I found myself thanking the paintings for their existence and for distracting me, but then it occurred to me that that wasn’t normal, and so I walked further away from the walls and tried to ignore them. Maybe I was going insane.

The nurse led us up the stairs and turned left. The corridor here wasn’t broad and light like downstairs. It was smaller and a bit darker and unlike downstairs, the walls wasn’t yellow and covered with random paintings. It made me a bit more nervous for some reason, but I didn’t say anything.

“Now, number 226 is right down this corridor and to the right. Will you be able to find it yourself?” she asked us. Marcus and Zoe nodded and I tried to force a smile on my lips. She nodded and slapped her hands.

“Okay then”

Then she turned around and stalked off. I looked after her for a little while. Her outfit suited her, I thought. Unlike some of the nurses I had seen here, she was the only one that actually made the nurse outfit look good.

 I turned back around again to find Zoe and Marcus already gone. I walked fast down the corridor and turned to the right, just as the nurse had told us. I watched as a door with the number 226 on it closed. I ran up to it and pulled the door handle, revealing a mid-sized, yellow room with one window on the opposite wall.

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