Chapter 9: Tyler's Revenge

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This chapter is dedicated to the lovely LenaBe6 for reading and supporting my story. Thank you for your lovely comments, it made me smile!


It was simply amazing how our viewers would find us everywhere. No one had said anything about where we would be staying, but around twenty girls and boys had gathered around our house. They had been standing outside our house for a really long time. Some of them seemed to even have brought a tent and blankets to sit on.

A couple of girls were screaming outside my window, which caused me to wake up. Fortunately I had covered the window with curtains, so they couldn’t see me. I could hear the others downstairs. I decided to get dressed and walked downstairs.

“What should we do? We can’t just ask them to leave?” Zoe had gathered everyone in the living room.

“I don’t understand how they managed to find out!” Marcus said, frowning.

“Did anyone say anything?” Caspar asked, looking at everyone. Everyone shook their heads.

“We could just walk outside and take some pictures and then maybe they’ll leave” Alfie said. Everyone looked at him and shook their heads again.

“That would just cause even more to come here and then they’ll never leave!” Zoe placed her hands at her waist. I looked around the room, searching for Tyler. I found him on the couch in the corner. He wasn’t paying much attention to the “meeting”. He seemed to be very busy with something on his phone. I walked over to him and sat down next to him.

“What are you doing?” I asked him. He looked up at me quickly only to look back at his phone again.

“Just going through the Troyler tag on Tumblr” he said, not looking up from his phone. I leaned over to look at the screen, causing my arm to touch his. Even though I had touched him many times, it still gave me this warm feeling inside.

“Really?” I said, raising my eyebrows. I hadn’t been on Tumblr since forever and I guess I was missing out on lots of Troyler posts.

“Yeah!” he looked up at me, “some of them are really dedicated!” he laughed. I smiled and took his phone from him. Scrolling through the tag, it got weirder and weirder. Some girl had morphed our faces. Another post was about how our babies would look.

Tyler leaned his head on my shoulder. I looked at him with a little smile on my lips. He met my eyes and smiled back.

“Hey!” Alfie had turned and was pointing directly at us. “Save the cuddling for later! We don’t want to see that!”  

I could see Tyler blushing and I think I might have blushed to. Alfie rolled his eyes at us and continued:

“We are trying to figure out what to do with the fans! Do you mind stopping whatever you two were doing and help us?”

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