Past and Present

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Two Months Earlier - Arnor

"What kind of house is this?" Tinneth gaped, looking around in amazement and confusion at the wrought iron walls and heavy door.

Dúnir chuckled, a glint in his eye that almost set Tinneth on her guard. "This place? It's an old guard house. I found it many years ago."

"A guard house?" She nodded. "I suppose that makes sense."

Dúnir sat her down at his table and lit some candles and the fire in the hearth. He went to a side room and got out some bread and berries. Setting it before her, he also got a glass of water for each of them.

"So, Lady Tinneth of the House of Fëanoriel, what brings you out here so close to Angmar?"

"Is that where I am?" She gaped. "By the Valar, I've come far!"

"You must've run quite a ways," Dúnir nodded. "For if I'm not mistaken, you must be a Dunédain of the North?"

Tinneth nodded, taking a sip of her water and a bite of strawberry. "Indeed."

"Your parents must be very proud of you," Dúnir said, seemingly without motive.

Tinneth instantly dropped her food back to her plate and scowled. "They did not want me to join at all! I don't consider them my parents. Míril and Elrohir merely happened to give life to me. I am my own person!"

"But of course you are, Lady Tinneth. And a strong, beautiful young woman you have become!" Dúnir smiled. "It is a long way back to your encampment I am sure, and I doubt you will be out here again. Would you do this old man a favor and meet a friend of mine? I think you might like him."

"Who is he?" She asked curiously.

"Halion is his name. He is a brilliant craftsman and might be able to make something wortht of such a beautiful and powerful warrior as you, my lady." Dúnir smiled. "Please?"

Tinneth mulled it over. Halion. It meant "son of Shadow" in Quenya elvish. She wondered why such a dark name. Nevertheless, she liked this old man. He saw her for who she was, a woman of power who loved beauty too. So she made up her mind quickly.

"I would be honored, Dúnir." She nodded her head. "When should we leave?"

"Soon, Lady Tinneth." He pointed to how dark it was outside. "But first you need to sleep."

Now - Gondor

Aderthon walked up the streets of Minas Tirith to where the stables were. Two days had gone by since news of Tinneth's disappearance had arrived and they were still doing nothing. He hated it, but he would bide his time until his king told him otherwise.

"Elfwine!" Aderthon called to the teenager who sat on some steps eating lunch. "Want to go riding?"

"Anyone else going?" He replied with a nod.

"My sisters and Eldarion. Aragorn wants us to find Finduilas in Ithilien and bring her back here." Aderthon began tacking up his horse as he replied.

"I am coming as well," came a young woman's voice.

"Edeva!" Aderthon nodded. "Won't let your little brother out of your sight?"

Elfwine glared at his sister. "I'm sixteen, Edeva. You do not need to watch me like a flock of crebain!"

"Exactly. You are sixteen!" Edeva wouldn't listen to his protests. "You are also the heir to the throne of Rohan. It is my job to protect you as a member of the royal guard."

"As a member in training," Elfwine reminded her with a glare.

She rolled her eyes as she finished tacking up her light brown stallion. "Never mind that. Are you coming or not, Elfwine?"

He frowned by quickly put the staddle and reins onto his grey horse. "Of course I'm coming."

"My sisters are waiting for us down by the gate with Eldarion." Aderthon smiled at the rohirric royalty.

"Let us go!" Edeva spurred her horse forward.

They trotted out of the small gate from the stable yards and down the streets through the many levels. Men and women, boys and girls scurried out of their way and bowed in respect and awe at the three royals.

"There you are!" Eldarion laughed. "At last!"

"We came as soon as we could, my prince," Aderthon teased.

Eldarion rolled his eyes and pushed his horse forward out the gates onto the Pelennor Fields. "Come on."

"Race you!" Círeth yelled loudly as she pushed her black stallion forward swiftly. "Last one to the first sign is a Moria goblin!"

"You've never even seen a Moria goblin," Aderthon laughed as he too sped forward.

She shouted back. "Well neither have you!"

With a laugh they all sped on. The first sign post was not too far, maybe a ten minute gallop. As it turned out, it was Elfwine who won.

"It isn't fair," Círeth complained good naturedly. "Greymane is the son of Shadowfax!"

Elfwine just laughed. What could he say? It was true! Greymane, his horse, was the son of the Lord of the Mearas! While that horse now had sailed West with the Ring bearers, Greymane was still in Middle Earth.

The company of royalty began the steady trot down the road to Emyn Arnen. From there, they would head into the wilds of Ithilien and find Finduilas.

The blonde haired Elfwine looked out of place among the red and dark haired others. He looked a lot like his father, Éomer. He also had the same spirit, the same drive to do well and serve. But he had a rebellious streak, much like his aunt, Eowyn.

He was a good friend of Aderthon and Eldarion, though perhaps it was more of a mentor he saw in them. They were many, many years his elder but they enjoyed spending time with the teenage warrior in the making.

Elfwine's one annoyance was the constant hovering of his sister, Edeva. He knew she was just trying to look out for him, not in the least because their mother and father has ordered it, but she was alwaysthere. Always.

As they made their way one horseback down the road, the passed the occasional traveller and bowed their heads in greeting. Suddenly though, they came across someone altogether unexpected.

"Lord Legolas?" Eldarion asked in surprise as they saw the elf walking and trotted quickly to catch up with him. "What are you doing out on the road?"

"Prince Eldarion!" He bowed. "I am making my way home to Ithilien."

Círeth frowned in confusion as she looked at the white horse he led behind him. "Why do you not ride? It would be faster."

"Unlike you young ones, I do not feel the need to go anywhere particularly fast!" He laughed. "Don't be hasty!"

"You sound like an ent," Elfwine smiled.

Legolas chuckled, a twinkle in his eye. "Do I now?"

"Mount up and ride with us, Lord," Aderthon insisted with a laugh. "If you are willing to journey with hasty youngsters like us?"

Legolas smiled and hopped up onto his white horse. "I will indeed."

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