Henneth Annûn

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Two Months Earlier - Arnor

"What did you have in mind, Halion?" Tinneth asked the man curiously.

"Tinneth I know that you go through pain each and every day," Halion began as he stood and walked around her. "I know because I have experienced it. To have a mother, a father who reject you. Who call you names and treat you differently than your siblings."

Tinneth glared at the ground, gripping her cup of tea in her hands fiercely. He continued.

"To feel empty and hollow inside, and all you have is your anger to warm you and keep you company." He paused to glance at her and saw his words were hitting their mark. "Tinneth, you should not have to live like that. You are a direct descendant of the greatest elven king to ever live. You are a descendent of Lord Fëanor! Why should you live as you do, shunned for your power and skill?"

She shattered the cup in her hands as she put too much pressure on the porcelain. It sliced her hand as it broke in pieces.

"That blood on your hands, it signifies that evil that your parents have done in not believing in you! They tried as hard as they could to smother your light and your power. And great power you have indeed!" Halion stooped to her and wrapped her hand with a cloth to stop the bleeding. "And your sisters, your brother, your cousins. What did they do to help you? When did they take your side over your mother's? They don't deserve the easy life they have."

"They all deserve death," growled Tinneth, standing and barring her teeth as she squeezed her fists. "All of them."

"Yes," nodded Halion as he circles her. "They do. But who will give it to them?"

Tinneth narrowed her eyes and smirked at him. "I will. Just show me how."

Now - Gondor

"Welcome to Henneth Annûn," Círeth smiled as they dismounted from their steeds and came upon a beautiful pool fed by a large waterfall.

"This is Henneth Annûn?" Elfwine asked her in surprise.

She nodded. "Why? What were you expecting?"

"Something... grander I suppose," he replied with a tilt of his head as he led Greymane to the water's edge.

"Stop!" came a cry from far above.

Everyone sprung back in surprise but Fëalas and Círeth laughed afterwards.

"Elfwine?" came the same voice in confusion as a woman with blonde hair came into view from behind a bush near half way up the falls. "What are you all doing here?"

"Finduilas!" Aderthon waved with a smile. "May we come up?"

"The twins are in charge," Finduilas shrugged. "It is up to them."

The red haired sisters nodded instantly. They hid their horse in a patch of trees nearby before Círeth led them behind through the secret passage into Henneth Annûn. As they went up they passed behind the waterfall. Elfwine paused to gaze upon the beauty of the light as it filtered in through the falling water droplets. The roar made speaking nearly impossible until they got further inside.

There were half a dozen men clothed in greens and browns. A few women were there as well. Some rangers sharpened swords, others whittled arrows. A few sat reading old texts and scrolls. They all looked up upon seeing the newcomers. When their eyes fell upon the royals, they all shot up and stood at attention.

"At ease," Círeth ordered her soldiers. Fëalas nodded behind her.

"Prince Eldarion, to what do we owe the pleasure?" a man asked, coming over.

He was second in command under Finduilas. A tall, well built figure, he had sandy brown hair and deep brown eyes that looked with honor upon his prince.

"Unfortunately that is for Finduilas' ears only, Rohir," Eldarion sighed. "It is a matter of urgency. We have come to bring Finduilas back to Minas Tirith."

Rohir nodded and backed away with a bow. He signaled for the rest of his ranger companions to follow him into a side passage so the royals could talk.

"What is the matter at Minas Tirith?" Finduilas looked at them in concern, hands on her hips.

Aderthon answered her. "Tinneth had gone missing and Aragorn is calling us all back."

"Tinneth? She's missing?" Finduilas looked at them in concern. "But how?"

"Her company was split and attacked by Gundabad wargs. Initial reports say they think she was driven north." Eldarion replied. "As for why you are being called home, we can only guess my father's intentions."

"When do we leave?" Finduilas nodded.

They looked out at the sun. It was already starting to sink below the treeline. They could perhaps make it to the elven settlement by nightfall.

"We'll leave in the morning, if you're rangers don't mind the company." Eldarion decided.

"Of course," said Círeth, Fëalas, and Finduilas all at the same time.

They looked at each other and laughed. Technically the Rangers currently at Henneth Annûn belonged to Círeth's company. But all three women were leaders among the Southern Dunedain. Círeth and Fëalas were the two head Captains of the Dunedain while Finduilas was one rank below them.

As the sun dipped behind the horizon and the Rangers came back to the main room, the companions were shown where they could sleep and given food for dinner. Elfwine insisted on facing the waterfall where he watched it in amazement.

"Grand enough for you?" whispered Fëalas to Elfwine as they sat together watching the falls.

"Yes. It is more than anything I could've expected." He looked at his older friend.

He was the only teenager of the friend group. Sometimes he felt alone, but he loved his cousins, whether they were cousins by blood or by friendship. Fëalas was one of his favorites. She was always happy, and she was loyal to her friends perhaps even to a fault. He loved that about her.

"Come." Fëalas smiled after they had spent several hours watching the water in silence. "Get to sleep, mellon-nin."

"You should as well," Elfwine nodded with a whisper and a yawn as he went to his section to sleep in.

Fëalas chuckled. "Soon."

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