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A/N: First "epilogue" type chapter. This is dedicated to all my readers who have been there since the beginning of The Other Ranger, and it is setting up one of two sequels which will be out tonight!

Three Years Later

Cirdan had prepared the ship for them long ago. It had waited for them until the day Míril decided to leave. And that day had come.

Aderthon, Círeth, and Fëalas rode behind the carriage solemnly. Their white horses, newly given to them by King Elessar, trailed behind at a walk. Today was the day, and even the horses were mournful.

For today, their parents were leaving Middle Earth forever. Míril and Elrohir together would sail over the sea and reunite with Elrond, Celebrian, Galadriel, and Gandalf. They would at last see the beauty of Valinor, a place they had been told of all their lives. A place of incredible beauty and peace and healing. For that's what they needed.

It was three years since the Battle for Arnor. Míril had healed from her wounds physically, for the most part. But emotionally? She was broken. The betrayal and death of her youngest daughter, Tinneth, had destroyed her spirit. She was in desperate need of healing.

"What do you think Valinor is like, Aderthon?" Fëalas asked him quietly as they rode behind the carriage. "Do you think it is really as wonderful as the stories?"

Aderthon sighed. "I hope so, Fëalas. For Mother's sake."

They grew quiet again. Aderthon noted that Círeth, sitting strangely silent upon her horse, had tears streaming down her face. He turned away to give her privacy. She did not like when people saw her crying. Especially not her siblings.

When they arrived at last at the Grey Havens, it was with heavy hearts that they all dismounted. Aderthon wished not for the first time that Eldarion had journeyed with them. But he knew that in order for Lord Aragorn to come, they had to leave Eldarion to rule for the time being. Yet he missed the steadfast comfort of his best friend.

The royal escort opened the door of the carriage and Aragorn, Arwen, and Elrohir stepped out. Míril came last, dressed in her finest dress. She frowned.

"Míril," came a small voice. "You were going to leave without saying goodbye?"

Everyone turned to find two hobbits atop horses nearby with Cirdan, Elladan, and another elf, Lord Glorfindel. Míril smiled softly as they dismounted, walking towards them.

"Pippin, Merry!" She hugged them tightly. "I had hoped you would come."

"Do you have to leave?" Pippin asked as he sniffled back tears.

Míril frowned at them. "I am afraid so. It is time."

Merry nodded with tears in his eyes. "You won't forget us?"

She smiled lightly. "Forget you? Never."

Together they walked back to the others. Elladan had joined his brother and sister. He had decided to cross the sea as well, desiring in his heart to see his mother again at last more than anything. But it meant saying farewell to their sister. All three children of Elrond were in tears.

Miril, Pippin, and Merry walked over to a solemn Aragorn. Immediately, Miril broke down and flung herself into the arms of her foster uncle.

"I do not wish to lose you," she sobbed. "I wish there was another way!"

Aragorn held her tight, resting his chin on her head. "There is no other way. You made your choice long ago."

She cried into his chest and shoulder. All the pain she had stored up over the last year since the decision to finally leave had been made was welling up to the surface.

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