Hatred's Beginnings

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A/N: Flashback in italics

Now - Rohan

It was a royal guard who retrieved the fellowship for dinner that night. Together the group made their way back to Meduseld, eager for a warm, filling meal. When they were situated at the large table, King Eomer stood, cup in hand.

"For the good health of my kin and the kin of my great friend King Elessar!" He raised the chalice high. "That together our houses may forever protect the free peoples of Middle Earth!"

Cries and cheers went up from all present as they toasted alongside the King. Elfwine and Edeva clinked goblets with smiles on their faces. It was good to be home, if only for a little while.

Finduilas and Barahir were busy talking with some other noblemen of Rohan. As niece and nephew of the King, they were well known in Rohan. Elboron was chatting instead with Eldarion and Aderthon, despite he himself being a nephew of the King, too.

"So what road do we take from here," Aderthon asked Eldarion as he took a mouthful of stew.

Eldarion took a bite of rabbit haunch. "We should make our way to Helm's Deep. My father wanted us to stop at the Glittering Caves and speak to Lord Gimli."

"And from there?" Elboron asked him.

"North." Eldarion flashed a small smile. "I figured that since we will be with a few days ride of there, that we could hop by Isengard and meet Treebeard and the ents."

Fëalas who sat next him jumped into their conversation, breaking off her own tale she had been telling a few noblemen.

"We're going to see the ents?" She grinned widely. "Are you playing with my dreams, Eldarion?!"

The prince laughed lightly. "I figured it might lift our spirits to stop by the Treegarth of Isengard."

Elboron smiled at Fëalas' reaction. She was such a funny girl.

"From the Treegarth, I figured we'd ride due north through Fangorn and Lorien until we reach the East Gate of Moria." Eldarion sighed. "It is my hope, as it was my father's, that the dwarven expedition there will help us get through."

"We should speak to Lord Gimli about that," Elboron suggested.

Aderthon agreed. "Perhaps he will have contacts within the expedition."

Meanwhile, Círeth was conspicuously missing from the table. It was Fëalas who noticed first, and she leaned to her brother to tell him she was missing.

"If you'll excuse me," he bowed to the company around him. "I have something to attend to."

He rose from his seat, gesturing for Fëalas to remain. Aderthon left the golden hall quietly and strode out into the night air. The stars were bright that night and he smiled at them.

Shaking his head, he got back to the task at hand. He wandered down the path from Meduseld and looked left and right for his missing sister until at last he found her.

Twang. Thump.

The noise of a lone archer was all he heard as Aderthon approached the training grounds of Edoras.

Twang. Thump.

Another arrow was loosed from the string and met it's mark on the target.

Twang. Thump.

Círeth's deep red hair was unmistakable as Aderthon moved closer. He folded his arms across his chest and watched his younger sister silently.

Twang. Thump.

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