Amon Loth

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Two Months Earlier - Arnor

Tinneth awoke early the next morning, her body rested like it hadn't been in many months. The wilds were hard, but she liked it. Anything to get away from her family.

Tinneth didn't understand why her parents thought her incapable of being on her own. They said she was too emotional, too full of anger. And she was, she supposed. But only towards them.

Dúnir got her a breakfast of eggs and meat. They spoke little, but Tinneth enjoyed his company. When they did speak, he would always remind her how powerful and wonderful she was. She enjoyed that.

"If you are ready," Dúnir began as she finished her meal. "If you are ready we can begin the walk to Halion's house. It is a day's journey from here."

She nodded. "I am. Let us be off."

Dúnir grabbed his pack and one for her. Together they left the house and went down a path to the right. It was very cold in the North where they were, especially since it was mid autumn. Flurries of snowflakes fell around Tinneth as she walked. Dúnir led the way.

As the hours went by, they would occasionally stop for food or to give Dúnir a rest. Slowly but surely they got closer to where her guide said Halion could be found. And by nightfall they were there.

Tinneth's eyes grew wide as she saw a great black building made of some kind of stone. It looked almost like a small fortress. She knew she should be careful, but she was too intrigued to stop.

"Halion's just in there."

Tinneth slowly walked up to the door and pushed it open. Dúnir stood behind her. When she went inside, she was surprised to find a man waiting for her. He sat in a chair sipping his tea.

"Tinneth of the House of Fëanoriel," said the dark haired man. "That is your name, correct?"

"Indeed. You are Halion?" She cocked her head in curiosity.

He smiled a sickly sweet grin. "Yes. That is my name. Come in, sit!"

She hesitantly slipped forward and sat across from Halion. He looked relatively young. His hair was all but black and his eyes amber. His black robe had red and gold accents in runic characters that she had never seen before.

"Lady Tinneth," Halion began. "You are a beautiful young woman, do you know that?"

"Thank you, sir," she smiled.

He nodded. "You are much more beautiful than your mother."

Tinneth's eyes lit up. She rarely, never, told that. Míril was always praised for her beauty by those trying to flatter their way into the royal family's hearts. It rarely worked.

"I am better than my mother at everything." Tinneth snorted, looking down her nose at Halion. "Everything."

"I'm sure you are." He smiled. "Would you like a chance to prove that?"

Now - Gondor

They had slept over night in Emyn Arnen. Now that it was morning, the travellers decided to set out in search of Finduilas.

"She is likely at Henneth Annûn," commented Círeth.

"Not a far ride," Fëalas nodded. "Follow us."

Henneth Annûn was still a base of the Rangers of Southern Gondor. All Dunedain that operated in the south of the Reunited Kingdom were privy to its existence, but few outside of these were. Eldarion and Aderthon had been there, but Edeva and Elfwine had not.

They made their way on horseback throughout Ithilien. Legolas travelled with them still as they would pass the settlement of Silvan elves he lived with along the way. Though Fëalas and Círeth lived in Ithilien with the Dunedain, they seldom visited the elves there. Their job took them more closely to Harad than anywhere else.

Soon they came upon the elven settlement. Elfwine, not accustomed to elves, was amazed at how beautiful everything was. Flowers of all kinds were dispersed across the grass and the trees bloomed with white and pink petals alongside the light green leaves. Berry bushes lined the path to either side.

"Welcome!" Legolas smiled and spread his arms. "To Amon Loth you have come."

"It is truly miraculous," Elfwine gaped, watching as golden haired elves went about their gardening and music playing.

Everything was peaceful. They saw not far away a great hillock, covered in flowers of gold and pink and white. Amon Loth. The Hill of Flower. An apt name it was. The twins, Aderthon, Eldarion, Edeva, and Elfwine all watched in amazement as Legolas led them further forward into the elven settlement. A few very young elflings darted to and fro in front of the path they took.

"Watch out, Aeglin!" Legolas laughed as the little boy scurried out of the way.

"Do you all enjoy it here in Ithilien?" asked Eldarion. "I hope you do."

Legolas nodded. "It is certainly different. The trees are less dark here, and the air is more open. We no longer live beneath the surface. But I at least have enjoyed it. I think my people do as well."

"I hope so," Fëalas smiled. "We work hard to keep this place safe along with the rest of the Southern Reunited Kingdom."

"We do appreciate it," Legolas agreed and then sighed. "Though I am itching for adventure again. I think I shall journey to visit Gimli once Aragorn decides what to do. Our visit was cut short."

"Do you ever visit the ents, Lord Legolas?" Edeva asked curiously as they passed through Amon Loth.

"Occasionally I have. Treebeard has of course taken up residence in the Treegarth of Isengard, as he has for many years now. My journeys seldom take me there, but sometimes, yes."

"I should love to meet an ent," commented Fëalas.

They all agreed. All the children had grown up on the stories of the War of the Ring, some 35 years ago though it took place. Of all the stories, the tales of the Battle of Helm's Deep and the Battle of the Pelennor Fields fascinated them the most. The ents, too, held a special interest in their hearts.

"Perhaps you shall meet one someday." Legolas replied. "Here I fear we must part. I shall return to Minas Tirith soon, but for now I must check on my people as I have been away for many months."

They bid farewell to Legolas before continuing on out the other side of the settlement. Henneth Annûn was but an hour's journey more. They would reach there by noon, if all went according to plan.

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