Arrival at Helm's Deep

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It was midnight the next day when they finally caught sight of the great fortress of Helm's Deep. Eldarion, Elfwine, and Aderthon trotted up in front of the others to the great gates. The others came behind, three abreast. When at last they came upon the gates, a great shout was heard.

"Who goes there?"

"Prince Elfwine and his companions," Elfwine called back firmly.

Immediately the gates were heaved open and they rode on through. They were met by a set of guards. The leaders stepped forward and bowed.

"Prince Elfwine," he said. "We are honored by your visit. Lord Elden is currently asleep, but we will make chambers for you immediately. Who are the rest of your guests?"

Elfwine dismounted. "Prince Eldarion of the Reunited Kingdom, my sister, Lady Edeva, Lords Elboron, Aderthon, and Barahir, and ladies Finduilas, Círeth, and Fëalas. We journey North."

The guards all looked in wonder upon the royal set of visitors before them. All had dismounted and followed Elfwine and the first guard as they made their way to a stable for their horses.

"We shall alert Lord Elden to your arrival come morning," the guard bowed as he had at last led the group to a barracks room that was set aside for them.

Elfwine nodded. "Thank you. What is your name, good sir?"

"Theon, sir," he replied. "If you need anything else, you need only send for me."

Leaving them, the nine companions all climbed into the not very comfortable beds. It was better than sleeping on the hard ground, but they missed the guest houses of Edoras. Yet they knew they could not be picky.

All slept soundly that night.

Elfwine, Eldarion, and Edeva went early to meet with Lord Elden in the citadel. He quickly invited them in with a bow.

"My Lords and Lady," he nodded. "I am honored by your visit!"

Lord Elden was a very tall man, his blonde hair dirtied by the hard work he so often was seen doing. He couldn't have been much over thirty five years old. He was a spitting image of his father Erkenbrand. Known in Rohan for his noble and hard working countenance, Elden was loved by his people.

"Lord Elden," Elfwine smiled. "We thank you for housing us. We are here to visit the dwarves of the Glittering Caves."

"We journey North on my father's orders," Eldarion explained quickly.

Elden nodded curtly to the two princes. "And so you shall. I am set to visit with the dwarves later today. Please, join me."

"We shall," Elfwine agreed.

Later that day, Círeth and Fëalas were busy getting themselves in trouble. The two rangers had done their very best to climb as high as they could up scaffolding from the ground up. And now, they couldn't get down.

"This was your fault," Círeth growled at her sister.

"My fault?" glared Fëalas. "In what world?!"

They slowly edged their way to the side of the scaffolding. A gentle but far drop down and they landed on the walls.

"Oof," grunted Fëalas as she rolled after jumping.

"What are you two ladies doing?" called a guard who looked rather put out. "Get off the wall!"

"We are guests of Lord Elden," Fëalas explained as she waited for Círeth to jump after her.

The guard looked at them skeptically, especially as the second red haired woman leapt down and grunted in pain and exertion.

"What are your names?" He insisted after several moments.

"Ladies Círeth and Fëalas, Captains of Gondor's Dúnedain, nieces of the King."

The guard took a step back and bowed his head. "My apologies."

"Cír, Fëalas!" came a call from below. "What are you doing up there?"

They looked and saw Aderthon below them on the ground behind the Deeping Wall where the stream let out.

"Sight seeing," Círeth called back with a smirk.

Aderthon rolled his eyes but beckoned to them. "Come on! We've got work to do!"

They sighed but quickly went to a stairwell that led down to where their brother was. Down they walked, finally reaching Aderthon.

"Come on. We're supposed to meet Elfwine and Eldarion with the others in a few minutes to go see the Dwarves." Aderthon said.

He and his sisters made their way to the entrance of the Glittering Caves. There they found their fellowship, plus Lord Elden, ready to enter when bidden.

Lord Elden rang a large bell that sat beside the gate to the Dwarves' halls. It sounded like ancient music as it reverberated through the cave system. Soon a dwarf, small yet strong, opened the gate. His dark hair was thick and voluminous.

"Come in, come in!" He grinned widely as he saw the group. "Lord Gimli is expecting some of you at least!"

They smiled and thanked him, walking into the Glittering Caves. They most all had the same reactions. Foremost they were shocked by the beauty of the caves.

The grey brown walls were uneven but beautiful in their own way. Great sections of gold, ruby, and jade decorated the otherwise simple walls. Great lamps with roaring fires cast dancing shadows along the paths. The ceiling was very tall and the paths straight. On the left side were rooms and houses cut into the stone, on the right were storefronts. It was an entire city under the mountains.

At last, after traveling along the underground road for nearly a mile, they reached a great citadel of rock. There waiting for them before it was a dwarf with red hair and a merry face. He smiled when he caught sight of them. Upon his head was a subtle crown of mithril and gold. Lord Gimli of the Glittering Caves.

"My Lords and Ladies," he said with a grin. "I was not expecting all of you, but glad I am that you are here!"

"Lord Gimli," bowed Elden. "It is good to see you again."

"You as well, Lord Elden!" He caught sight of the Gondorians then. "Do I see Prince Eldarion, and the children of Miril and Elrohir?"

The four grinned widely and stepped forward. Gimli laughed merrily. For while he didn't know the others well, he certainly knew these four.

"Gimli," Eldarion smiled. "My father sends his regards."

"Good! Good!" Gimli clapped his hands. "Now. Let's go inside and talk."

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