The Battle Begins

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Now - Evendim

"Stay low," hissed Círeth. "Circle 'round to the north and wait for my signal."

Círeth led a company of fifteen rangers to where a known encampment of goblins was located. They were deep in the pinewoods of Evendim, a slight coating of fresh snow on the ground and dead bracken everywhere. The goblins weren't far ahead. Círeth ordered several of her men to climb trees and remain trained on the enemy with their bows. She would join them shortly, she said.

Lighting one of her arrows she fired the flames straight into the middle of camp. The goblins roared as it easily spread with all the dead wood around. Mass pandemonium gripped the enemies.

That was the signal. Instantly the arrows flew down and met with many goblins. A few wargs howled and tried to find the rangers but by now, all of them had clambered into trees and were raining death down.

Not a single orc escaped that day.

Once back at Annuminas after over three weeks out in the wild spreading fear among the enemy, Círeth looked in wonder and glee at the army which had reached Annuminas not long before. She released her rangers to see their families and ran to the main house.

Evidently she was the last of the Fellowship to have returned to Annuminas because she found all of them in the main house. Alongside them were Míril, Elrohir, Elladan, Aragorn, Estelwen, Elden, and to her surprise, Glorfindel. She ran immediately to her father.

They embraced warmly, though Círeth could see the grief in his eyes. Next she went to her mother. Once all formalities were finished, Bergil turned to her.

"Was it successful?" He asked her.

Círeth nodded. "We destroyed four companies of orcs."

"Good," Aragorn smiled. "Very good news."

"So." Círeth paused. "What's the plan?"

Aragorn grimaced but nodded. "We assault Angmar in a week's time."

Now - Carn Dûm

"How many men?" Halion glared daggers at the goblin scout before his throne. "How many?!"

"Four hundred, sir," the goblin whined. "There were numerous raiding parties on our own."

Halion smashed his hand down on his throne. "That isn't good enough, Grishnog!"

The goblin cowered back. He looked hopefully at Tinneth who stood in her blood red dress beside Halion. But she looked down on him in disgust.

"Get out," she said slickly. "Before my beloved guts you."

The goblin nodded and ran from the room. His pitter pattering feet sounded down the hallway until he was gone. Halion, turning to his lover, sighed in pain.

"We'll have to mount our offensive now. My scouts already say the army of the Reunited Kingdom has arrived." He glared at the walls. "I have no doubt that your siblings are to blame for our problems."

Tinneth growled and clenched her fists. "They will die, melda. They will die horrible deaths."

Halion nodded and smiled devilishly. "You will give them death, Aradheleth."

"I shall live up to that name," Tinneth smiled. "I will be the Royal Terror. All on the battle field will fear Biter and Pincer. My twin blades will sing."

One Week Later - Evendim

It was evening, the day before the armies would engage. Míril and her husband were walking among the troops as they slept. The hooting of a distant owl, the crackle of campfires,. and the chirping of crickets were the only sounds around.

"What if she can be saved?" Miril frowned. "What if Tinneth is under a spell?"

Elrohir sighed. "My love, she is not."

Tears ran down Míril's face. She wanted with all her heart to hug Tinneth one more time, assure her daughter that they loved her. But she could not. Tomorrow they would face the Army of Angmar, which from scout reports was reportedly being led by Halion and Tinneth themselves. It was inevitable that one or the other, Tinneth or her friends and family, would be killed. It could end no other way.

Aderthon and Eldarion sat together on a large boulder. They were silent, enjoying the respite of each other's familiar presence. The moon was high in the sky, illuminating the swords which sat close by. They stayed like that until morning.

The dawn came far too early. Aragorn was up with the sun, as were his commanders. He spoke to Bergil, Elden, Elladan, Elrohir, Míril, and Glorfindel, giving all of them their final orders. Within the hour they had moved out with their troops.

By noon, everyone was in place. And across the field, they could see the Angmarin army. Elrohir and Elladan were sent to meet in the middle. There, they met with Tinneth and Halion.

"We meet at last," Halion grinned. "Though I wish it would've been your king instead. Is he hiding behind the troops?"

"King Elessar was convinced by us to stay behind," Elladan growled. "For we do not trust your promise of parlay."

Tinneth glared at Elrohir. "We do not trust your kind either."

"Not long ago you were my kind," Elrohir said softly. "Why did you forsake us?"

"Because I saw the error of your ways," Tinneth spat in his face. "And I was promised greater things than you could ever give me, including revenge."

"Can there be no peace, then?" Elladan asked, turning to Halion. "No hope?"

"There never was," Halion smirked. "I was stalling."

A great clamor arose from the left and Elladan and Elrohir spurred their steeds, sputtering elvish curses under their breaths. The battle had begun.

Reaching the line, Elladan and Elrohir gave their horses to others and instantly switched into fight mode. They worked in tandem before finally splitting to lead their warriors into battle.

The armies clashed. Míril went straight for Tinneth. She had to find her daughter. Aderthon, placed under her command, watched his mother in awe.

She wielded Galmegil with deadly precision. Every swing of the ancient sword of Fëanor's craftsmanship was effective. She cut down dozens of enemies like they were flies.

Then she saw her.

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