In The Golden Hall

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A week later they finally spotted the golden hall of Edoras up ahead. It had rained off and on for many days. The fellowship was entirely sick and tired of it by now. Their clothes were damp, their packs soaked, so they were very pleased to finally find civilization.

Edeva and Elfwine led the way. They were eager to see their parents and tell them of what was going on in the the Reunited Kingdom, especially in the North, in Arnor. Elfwine pushed Greymane the last bit of the way, leaving the others to play catch up. Soon enough, all were standing before the gates into the grand city of the Horse-Lords.

A cry went up on the walls. "Open the gates! Prince Elfwine and his companions have arrived!"

The large wooden gates slowly swung open until the path was clear. Edeva and Elfwine led the group up the streets of Edoras until theh reached the Royal Stables. Once there, they dismounted and left their horses with the stable masters as they themselves walked up to Meduseld.

"Prince, Lady," bowed the door warden. "The King and Queen are inside."

They were all let in as the doors swung open and inside was revealed the famed "Golden Hall" of the Rohirrim. At the far end sat two people. King Éomer and Lady Lothiriel, his queen, were waiting for them.

"Lord, Lady," Eldarion knelt before them and his companions followed suit. "Thank you for welcoming us."

Eomer smiled. "Stand, my friends. You are royalty in your own right and though I appreciate your honor, I do not need it."

Eldarion smiled as he stood. "As you wish."

"Now," Eomer nodded to them. "What news do you bear hither. For if Aragorn sent so many highly skilled warriors, there must be much amiss."

"Perhaps we should speak of that alone," Eldarion hesitated, glancing at the other lords and ladies in the hall. "It is not for all ears."

Éomer agreed. "Of course. Follow me."

The fellowship followed Eomer and Lothiriel into a back room. Along the way, Lothiriel fawned over her son, but also was mindful that he was as proud as his father and would not want to be coddled around those he looked up to.

As they sat around a table, Eomer gestured for Eldarion to begin.

"It was fortunate that Edeva and Elfwine were in Minas Tirith," Eldarion began. "My father summoned us there and they were included. My cousin, Lady Tinneth, has gone missing in the forests of Arnor in the North."

Lothiriel looked very concerned. "Is Miril handling it alright?"

Lothiriel and Míril had met 35 years ago when she and the sons of Elrond had visited Dol Amroth for the first time. Ever since, the two women had remained good friends.

"Our mother and father are understandably troubled," Aderthon answered. "However they are doing fine as far as I could tell."

Lothiriel nodded for Eldarion to continue. He bowed his head and went on.

"My father chose the nine of us to journey North and find her." He paused. "Yet more than that, he fears a darkness like that of old may be growing there."

"We came to ask your permission to go with them, Father," Elfwine added quickly. "May we?"

"Of course." Éomer nodded immediately. "Aragorn is a good friend of mine and a wise king. If he thinks it important that you and Edeva accompany these men and women to the North, then I will agree."

Everyone looked to the queen. Lothiriel sighed and closed her eyes but nodded.

"I agree. We owe them much and we must find Tinneth!" Lothiriel looked sadly at Elfwine but smiled to encourage him.

"But father," Edeva objected fiercely. "Elfwine is still young!"

Elfwine shouted. "Be quiet, Edeva! You want all the glory for yourself!"

Edeva looked stunned at his assumption and frowned. She did not want glory. She wanted to keep her little brother safe. For she knew the dangers of the wilds. The small scar above her left eye showed as much.

"Elfwine will go," Éomer insisted. "I believe he can learn much from visiting the northern lands. It will be good for him."

Elfwine smiled and nodded. "I will not let you down."

"Is there a place we could stay the night and dry off?" Eldarion asked at last. "Our supplies are soaked and we are out of food."

"Of course," nodded the king. "Edeva, Elfwine, take them to the guest houses. We shall see that you are given fresh food, water, and clothing by morning."

Together they got up from the table and made their way back through the hall out into the finally sunny midday air. Rohan, as always, smelled like fresh grass and flowers. But it was even more poignant after the rains that had fallen.

Elfwine, Edeva, Finduilas, Barahir, and Elboron were more than well acquainted with the layout of Edoras. The others had been there a couple times, but did not know enough of it to walk unguided to the guest houses.

The Rohirric townsfolk looked in awe upon the passing travelers, especially the four half-elves. Elves weren't common in Rohan. The last time a real, true elf had been seen was when Legolas passed through to visit Gimli, the Lord of the Glittering Caves. He and a contingent of dwarves had delved deep into the White Mountains and established a colony. Renowned for rebuilding the gates of Minas Tirith, and rebuilding Helm's Deep, they performed great services for Gondor and Rohan.

"You can stay here for the night," Elfwine told them as they reached the guest houses. "There are plenty of rooms inside."

"Thank you," Eldarion smiled. "We will wash up. Please send someone to retrieve us before dinner. I wish to dine with your parents, as do the rest of us I'm sure."

Everyone heartily agreed. Elfwine and Edeva left the others to go back and spend time with their parents, leaving their companions to their own devices.

"I am going to bathe," Círeth announced immediately. "Do not disturb me unless you absolutely must."

They chuckled as she left for a room on the right and Fëalas followed. They would, as usual, be rooming together.

Aderthon and Eldarion took another room while the three children of Faramir and Eowyn took a third. Once the door closed, immediately Aderthon flopped on the bed and wouldn't get up.

"I have not ridden so long in so much rain in a very long time!" He sighed. "I am exhausted!"

Eldarion laughed. "You and me both."

"Do you remember that time we insisted in riding to Dol Amroth and back in the middle of spring, by ourselves?" Aderthon sat up and grinned.

The other man's expression changed to one of mischief. "You mean before the Festival of Elbereth? Absolutely."

"Our parents were so upset when we finally came home." Aderthon laughed merrily. "I'll never forget being nineteen and reckless like that."

"Of course you won't. You still act like that," Eldarion winked at him as he too sat on a bed to claim it as his own. "But in all seriousness, I am glad we did that. It was the last time we saw Prince Imrahil. He died later that year, remember?"

Aderthon frowned. "How could I forget? Our parents were very upset. We were very upset! Even my sisters, too young to remember much of Imrahil, were sad."

"Yet Prince Elphir is a good leader of Dol Amroth, too," Eldarion shrugged. "And his young son is very sweet."

"Alphros is wonderful," the other agreed. "I wish Lady Orla would bring him to Minas Tirith more."

Everyone loved Lady Orla, the lady of Dol Amroth and wife of Prince Elphir. She was from Rohan originally, and married Elphir for political reasons as she was the daughter of Erkenbrand. But much like the success of Eomer and Lothiriel's marriage, it seemed to others that Elphir and Orla had gone over splendidly. Their five year old son, Alphros, was loved by everyone.

"I hope our quest does not take as long as the Fellowship of the Ring's journey took," murmured Eldarion before he made a face. "I miss my sisters already."

Aderthon agreed. "I miss mine as well."

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