No More

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Two Weeks Later - Gundabad

"You promised us you would cripple the kingdom."

"He also promised us an heiress of Fëanor. Now she's dead."

Halion slammed his hand down on his chair as the voices of the Council filled his mind. He looked down at the ring on his finger. The red gem was glowing as it acted as a conduit for the other Council members.

"I sorely underestimated the power the children of the heroes hold," Halion grimaced, pacing in the small room he'd taken in Gundabad.

"You failed, Halion."

"The Council is revoking your membership."

"You have nowhere to run, Halion."

"Accept your fate."

Halion growled and kicked his bed. "You cannot do this! I have another plan!"

"What plan could you have that could possibly save your life?"

Halion smirked. "Beruthiel."

"The Council has forbidden that course of action!"

"You will not perform the ritual."

Halion glared. "I will do as I see fit."

Three Months Later - Gondor

"Look," smiled Eldarion as he pointed ahead of him. "The White Tower!"

Everyone felt relieved. They had dropped off the Rohirrim on their way home, Aragorn expressing his deepest regrets at the loss of Edeva. Éomer had taken it hard, as any father would, but it did not damage the relations between the two kingdoms, much to their relief.

Aderthon nodded with a small smile. "It will be good to be home. Perhaps my mother will be able to heal."

By the end of the day, what remained of the army had reached Minas Tirith. As Aderthon, Eldarion, and Elboron walked up the white streets that night, all were hurting.

Míril had been hurting emotionally and physically ever since her injury from the Battle of Arnor. Elrohir did his best to comfort his wife, but the loss of her youngest daughter took a harsh toll on her psyche.

As the year went by, and she did not improve, a decision was made that would impact the entire kingdom.

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