The Legacy of Fëanoriel

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The journey home to Gondor took about two months. Everyone felt the distinct hole in the company with the absence of Míril, Elladan, and Elrohir. The sun seemed to shine a little more coldly, the rain seemed a little heavier. Aderthon was taking it the hardest. Círeth and Fëalas, while grieving, had each other to lean on. Aragorn and Arwen were together. But Aderthon was alone, and he stayed that way.

He missed his mother more than anything. He missed his father of course, and his uncle, but he had always had a special relationship with Míril whereas the twins had been closer to Elrohir. Aderthon missed her dearly, every moment of every day that they journeyed home to Minas Tirith.

He missed her smile and her laugh. He missed the way she looked upon him with absolute trust and love. He had been her first born, he was special to her. And now she was gone. Now he was the protector of their family. He had a responsibility to his cousin and his sisters.

When they reached home, Aderthon was greeted solemnly by his greatest friend, Eldarion. The prince merely hugged him tight, neither speaking. Together they moved to return to the house Aderthon had lived in with his mother and father while the Twins continued south to their homes in Ithilien where they intended to throw themselves back into their work.

On the doorstep of the empty house, Aderthon insisted he would be fine. He told Eldarion to leave him be. Eldarion protested. Giving in, the half elf agreed to let Eldarion check on him in an hour or so.

"I want to be alone for now," he added. "Come by later."

Eldarion reluctantly agreed and left Aderthon with a nod and a pat on the shoulder. Leaving his friend at the doorstep of his house, the prince left to see to his parents.

With a deep breath he walked forward, opening the door. As he made his way through the foyer of the house, he heard the whispers of laughter and joy that had once filled it. The years seemed to fall heavy on his shoulders as he continued into the sitting room.

Above the fireplace now was empty wall. No longer did the ever present lyre of Maglor hang there. His mother had taken it over the sea. Now the beige wall seemed broken and empty without it. It was so… bare.

Suddenly he noticed on the table a note, sealed with the seal of the House of Fëanoriel. Intrigued, Aderthon bent down and picked it up, using his small pocket knife to undo the wax seal. He slid out the piece of paper where he found a note.

"My dearest Aderthon,

"My special child, you know how much I love you. Long ago I received a gift from Lady Galadriel, a gift I have held close to my heart for nigh on forty years ago. It has been by my side through many a year. And now I leave it for you. I have left it in my room. Farewell, my child."

In confusion, Aderthon pocketed the note and went to his parents' room. Carefully he took the knob in his hand and turned it, opening the door. What he saw amazed him.

For lying on the bed, next to its black and gem covered scabbard, was Galmegil. The beautiful mithril-hilted sword sparkled in the dying light of day that filter in through the window. He walked forward slowly, reverently. His mother had left Galmegil. Míril had entrusted that great sword to him. It was a shock.

Sure, Elrohir had given both the twins each a blade of his. But this was Galmegil. His mother had never parted with it. Now it was his. But even more so it represented to him that his mother had really left. It was very real to him now. He hesitated to place his hands on it but soon he gave in.

His fingers felt the light yet sturdy mithril hilt gently, running down its undulating side. He allowed himself to grab it slowly before sweeping it suddenly up and looking at himself in the reflection of the sharpened steel.

Galmegil. The "Sword of Light" was magnificent. A true symbol of what the House of Fëanor should have been. Pure, strong, and a pillar of hope. It had never been tainted. And now it was his.

Now it was a symbol of his own House of Fëanoriel. He would continue the legacy of Galmegil, the legacy of Míril Fëanoriel here in Middle Earth. Yes, she was gone now. But she had left behind more than a sword.

She left behind her children.

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