Part 5

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The group was now eating at a diner in Illinois. They had a waitress named Astrid who was acting a little too friendly towards Hiccup.

"She is so flirting with you." Merida said.

"For the last time she is not she's just being a good waitress." Hiccup insisted.

"I don't know Hiccup, she gave you three free refills of coke..... And according to this check, my refill on orange juice was not free." Rapunzel said.

"God you can't even tell when a girl is flirting with you, wait till college they'll be all over you" Merida frowned.

"Why would I notice when I'm too busy noticing you." He replied.

"Uh huh nice try." She said unamused

"I just cannot win here can I?" Hiccup said

"Nope." They all replied.

"Is there anything else I can get you? Are you sure you don't want dessert?"

"No we're fine thank you ." Hiccup said.

"I guess I'll get you you're receipt" She smiled shyly

She walked away back to make up the receipt

"God you are clueless." Jack said.

"Wow Jack I think this is the first time we've actually agreed on something." Merida said.

"You guys just mistaken kindness for flirting."

"Here's your receipt hope to be seeing you all real soon!" She said.

"See she's just a nice waitress." Hiccup stated.

Jack reached for the check. "Really? This check says otherwise."

On the check was a phone number that had the name Astrid, Call me sometime green eyes.

"I told you!" Merida said getting up from the table and waiting outside.

"Any chance she was talking about Rapunzel?" Hiccup asked. "Yeah I didn't think so here I'll go get her."

Hiccup went outside where Merida was sitting pretending to fumble through her phone.

"Hey, why are you acting like this?"

"Like what." She replied angrily

"Like that! So another girl happens to find me attractive, you know Mer that sometimes happens and I find you're being very hypocritical."

"I'm being hypocritical! How?" She yelled

"Because in high school all these jock guys would flirt with you because....well look at you! You're beautiful and you like sports! And you're with the one guy who has no idea what a fumble even is! But you didn't hear me complaining because I knew you liked me. I had no idea why but I knew you did!" Hiccup replied.

She was silent

"Will you just say something, I start getting scared when you are quiet for this long." He said

"I'm sorry." She said and hugged him.

"Wow, did I just win an argument?" He smiled

"Don't get used to it." She pointed at him.


"What do you think's gonna happen." Rapunzel asked.

"I don't know but I swear if they break up I am not driving with them all the way back to Boston." Jack replied.

"I wasn't talking about that! Of course they won't break up, it's Hiccup and Merida! I was talking about when we all go to college."

"Well you're going to UCLA Hiccup's going to Stanford the smart ass, and Merida is on the waiting list for Stanford and I barely got into San Francisco state."

"But do you think we'll still talk to each other."

"Of course." He said

"But how can you be sure?" She replied

"Hey, I promise you I will try everything to be able to see you."
He stated.

"Okay, hey it looks like they made up." She said pointing to the couple holding hands on the bench.

"Well good cause we still have a long way to go."

Authors note: I hoped you all liked it!! Got a little more serious haha well Remember to vote comment and share!

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