Part 20

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The four pulled up to a little white house. The Frost home had always been smaller than his friends but he didn't seem to mind and neither did his friends. It was a nice little house with a blue roof and little windows. It had two bedrooms one for his mother and one he shared with his sister.

Jack's mom was a single mom managing two kids after Jack's father died in the military when Jack was nine and Emma was two.

That may have been the cause for Jack's rebellious ways but soon his father's brother Nicholas North came to visit from time to time and shaped him up. Made him take art classes and guitar to keep him out of trouble.

Jack could still remember how happy his mother was when he told her he got accepted to four out of the five colleges he applied for....two being UC's.

"Jack! You're home!!" Cried out a little brunette girl with brown eyes who was about ten years old.

"Hey squirt, have you been keeping the nest safe and secure?" He asked.

"Of course!" She giggled as he lifted her onto his shoulders.

"Yay you brought Rapunzel, and Merida, and Hiccup!!!" Said Emma.

"Hey Em how's my favorite girl doing?" Rapunzel asked.

"Good! I learned how to shoot a spitball." She said.

"Being Jack's sister I thought you would've mastered that by now." Merida said.

"Well he did teach me but my friend Wilbur taught me how to shoot them farther!" She said.

"A guy who can shoot a spitball farther then me sounds like we need a little competition." Jack said.

"Jack?!" A woman in her mid forties came out. She had brown hair and brown eyes just like her daughter. She seemed very happy to see her son.

"Jack I'm so glad you're back! How was the trip? Would you like to come in everyone?" She asked.

"Hi mom." He smiled. "And actually we're just here for a quick pit stop for my stuff. Merida's parents are hosting a congratulations dinner for Merida and have invited all of us and our parents. Merida got into Stanford."

"Oh my goodness congratulations!!" She said hugging Merida.

"Thank you Mrs. Frost." Merida laughed and returned the hug.

"Oh look at all of you growing up so fast! I remember when all of you were in kindergarten! So grown up!!" She gushed. "Well at least I still have some years left with this one."

"Hey I'm a grown up!" Emma stated.

"Of course you are sweetie, you're much more grown up then Jack when he was your age." Mrs. Frost joked.

"Hey!" Jack said.

"Tell your parents I'd be happy to join do they mind if I bring Emma? I don't think I'll be able to get a hold of Thiana in time."

"Sure it wouldn't be the same with out her." Merida said.

"Yay!!" Emma said.

"Well we better go drop off Rapunzel and Hiccup. We'll see you at the restaurant." Jack said giving his mom a hug.

"See you then. Just put your stuff on the back porch." She said.

"Oh I almost forgot! I have something for you Emma!" Hiccup said.

"Ooh what is it?" Emma asked.

Hiccup went back to the car and brought out Aster the bunny.

"We found this little guy his name is Aster, do you think you could take care of him?" He said.

"Aw he's so cute! Yea! Thank you Hiccup!" She smiled

"Here's his cage make sure you feed him and give him water everyday." Hiccup said.

"I will."

The four went back to the car.

"I'm never going to be free of that thing will I?" Jack complained.

"Oh shut up you're just jealous your sister gets all her time with the rabbit now." Merida said.

Authors note: yay jack's family history!!! I loved writing this one! Only a few chapters left hoped you all liked it next chapter will be with Rapunzel's family and Hiccup's so until then comment vote and share!!

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