Part 11 stanford part 1

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Authors note: ok so I don't know tons about Stanford so some of the scholarships and classes I name are just to go with the characters lol

"Okay guys, are you ready?" Jack asked.

"Yup." Hiccup said.

"I'm serious Hiccup this is the most biggest day of your life, this is where your life will begin." Jack stated dramatically.

"It's just touring a college god." Merida said.

"Someone's cranky from being on the waiting list." He muttered.

"Well bloody hell, I'm still waiting for my archery scholarship to pull through." She said

"Calm down Mer, you'll get in, but maybe we should wait till your acceptance letter comes in to your the school." Hiccup stated.

"No we're here already. Might as well." She said.

"Come on guys lets go the tour is starting any minute!" Rapunzel said.

"Um well about the tour......." Jack said.

"You did sign us up for the tour right?" Hiccup asked.

"Not exactly...."

"What do you mean not exactly Jack?" Merida said angrily.

"Well it was already filled up so we kind of have to sneak on campus and pretend we go there."

"WHAT?!" The three yelled.

"Guys shhhh any loud noises the animals will get scared and piss all over my car and there is no way I'm letting them do that!" Jack said.

"Jack you had one job!" Hiccup said.

"Oh come on no one will notice! You already got accepted all we have to do is blend in!"

"Fine but if I get kicked out before my first day, I'm going to kill you." Hiccup said.

"Fine. Now let's go partaaaaayyyy!" Jack said.

The four walked together like they were regulars there. Jack in particular was very comfortable, pointing and waving to random strangers like they were old friends. He even bro hugged a frat guy named Ralph.

"Hey you, can you tell me where Architecture 101 is?" Jack asked a kid with black spiky hair.

"Oh uh it's over by the west building. Room 455." He said.

"Thanks! What's your name?"


"Well Norman,my new spiky haired friend, it's nice to meet you." Jack said.

"Onward Hiccup!"

"Me and Rapunzel are going to see a football game we'll see you guys later."

"Okay have fun with that!" Hiccup said.


"God this class is such a snooze fest why do you wanna be an architect again?" Jack said whispering to Hiccup in the back if the large class.

"Because I like how buildings are made and it's not boring it's interesting I mean can you believe how they made cathedrals back then! With such low technology!"

"Oh my god " jack stated.


"You are such a nerd."

"Shut up Frosty." Hiccup said "you can leave me here if you want."

"Don't have to tell me twice! Have fun at school little buddy." He said ruffling Hiccups hair.

As the teachers back was turned Jack slipped out of the class and into the courtyard.

"JACCCCK!" Came a loud voice.

Jack turned to see the large frat boy, Ralph.

"Guys you gotta meet Jack, his hair is white and he's just so badass." He said to his frat brothers.

"Jack this is Felix and Vanell. My bros."

"Hey boys nice to meet you. Wouldn't you wanna be at the football game?" Jack asked.

"Nah but we're about to host a killer Kegger wanna come?"

"I'm so in." He said high fiving Ralph.

Authors note: making chapter into two parts cause it's 12:30 am and I'm extremely tired lol again sorry for late updates AHHH remember to vote comment and share!!

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