Part 18

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Back in Ohio again, the four were driving back and soon they would be back in Pennsylvania. They decided to stay at the same hotel they did the last time. The boys making sure they get single beds this time.

"Hi we'll have two rooms with two beds in each." Jack said to the lady behind the desk.

"Oh you're the sweet couple that came by awhile ago! Did you and your boyfriend like your surprise!" She asked.

Rapunzel had to go outside because she couldn't contain her laughter while Merida just tried to keep a straight face.

"Oh they loved they're surprise." She replied.

"Oh no you have this all wrong you see we're not-" Hiccup began to say.

"Their still a little uncomfortable with sharing they're relationship with the world hence the separate rooms." Merida interrupted.

"Oh you two shouldn't be ashamed. Be proud of who your partner is. I'll give you guys a room with a queen no charge!" She said

"Oh no you really don't have to-"

"I insist! Their already for you now get going you lovebirds!"

Rapunzel came back in and Merida told her what happened which made her laugh even more.

"Merida I am going to kill you." Jack said.

"Seriously Mer not cool." Hiccup replied.

"Oh come on I thought you guys would love being roomies!!" Merida replied.

"I don't want to hear it Merida!!" Jack said shutting his door.

"Well I'm gonna hide the animals in our room tonight." Rapunzel said to Merida entering the room.

Merida turned to Hiccup who still seemed ticked off.

"Oh come on Hiccup It's supposed to be funny." She said.

"Merida, It was funny the first time now it's just irritating."

"Oh come on you still like me." She said wrapping her arms around his neck.

He resist the urge to look at her, forcing his eyes to look up at the ceiling.

"Hiccup at least look at me." She said.

"Nope, I'm still mad at you."

She brought her lips to his softly. Hiccup couldn't resist kissing back the redhead.

"That's not fair." He breathed out

"I still won." She smirked.

"Excuse me but if he's sleeping in my room then he's my boyfriend not yours. So either switch rooms or hurry it up." Jack said popping his head out.

"See you're leaving me with him all night." Hiccup said.

"Hey! I heard that and I'm the best you'll get mister!"

"Well I see Jack has gotten over it quickly, in fact I'm a little worried." Merida laughed.

"Hey remember you made this happen." Hiccup smiled. "Goodnight." He kissed her forehead.

"Night. Sleep tight and don't let the frostbite bite." She laughed.

Authors note: Again late night sry for late update lots happening and I'm literally half asleep. But I hoped you all liked it! there are still a few chapters left hopefully will be updated soon!

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