Part 10

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"Well guys we're officially in California!" Jack yelled.

"Woohoo!" Merida and Hiccup shouted

"Can you guys please keep it down my head is pounding." Rapunzel said from the back of the car.

"That's what you get for getting yourself drunk!" Said Merida

"Ugh god I'm never drinking again."

"That's what they all say." Hiccup said from the front.

"Where are we in California?" Merida asked.

"I believe San Diego." Hiccup said looking at the map.

"Well you know what that means?" Merida smiled.

"Beach party!" Jack yelled.

"Dammit jack keep it down." Rapunzel said.

"I like drunk Punz better than hung over Punz she was much nicer." Jack replied

"And man did she sing." Merida laughed.

"You guys are so mean." She replied.

"Relax Rapunzel we'll stop by a Denny's and get you some coffee to cheer you up." Jack said.

"Thank you." She said.

They couldn't find a Denny's but they ended up going to a Starbucks instead.

"Can we go to the beach now?" Merida whined.

"We'll be there soon." Hiccup said making a left turn.

"Ugh it's taking forever!" Jack said already in his swim trunks,

Finally they got to the beach. It was pretty crowded but the waves looked amazing and the sand was hot.

"Race ya!" Merida said to Hiccup both of them running down the beach to the water.

"Really?! They couldn't have taken a chair or a bag!?" Jack complained.

"Come on just help me with this and you can join them." Rapunzel replied.

Finally they got their towels set up and they're chairs and the umbrella.

"Hey uh Rapunzel do you think I could uh?" Jack asked.

"Yeah go ahead I'll see you there soon."

Jack was gone before she finished her sentence. Flinging off his shirt and jumping into the cool water.

"What a nut." She mumbled smiling to herself.

She started opening the umbrella but it was jammed. She pulled and pulled but the umbrella wouldn't budge.

"Oh come on you stupid piece of...."


It flew open knocking her down.

"Dang it!" She said

"Woah looks like you could use a little help there blondie?" A tall boy with dark black hair and tan skin said.

"No I'm okay thanks just this umbrella doesn't like to open sometimes." She said.

"Here." He said picking up the umbrella and sticking it into the sand.

"Thanks." She smiled.

"No problem I'm Pete but my friends call me Pitch." He said

"Rapunzel and those are my friends Merida and Hiccup. And there's my boyfriend Jack." She replied pointing to each of them.

"Boyfriend huh? Too bad he's a lucky guy." He said.

"I guess so." She said awkwardly.

"Well if you ever get tired of the boyfriend call me he said handing her his number."

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