"Cheer up, Buttercup!"

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Have you ever felt like, you just have this sudden urge to punch someone in the face? I know I do. Every time I try to get to my locker on a Monday morning. Every. Single. Time. And that's funny, because I am not a violent person. I couldn't kill a fly! But having done 7 years of martial arts, I'm pretty good at taking a person down. And people are just annoying mosquitos that just buzz in your ears while you're trying to sleep. Life is just so much better without them.

"Excuse me." I say to the fifth person standing in my way. "Can a girl get to her locker without having a troop of apes block her path?"

"Hello?! Person here trying to get through!"


"Yeesh girl. Calm your tits," I hear Melissa's familiar voice and cute little giggle.

Melissa McKinley. My favourite person in the world. One of the few people I can actually tolerate and love so so much. She's funny and sassy and oh so beautiful. She has that blonde hair blue eyes thing going on.

"Hey pig face!" I squeal and hug her.

"I literally saw you two days ago. Talk about clingy!" she jokes, and I chuckle. "But someone's in a bad mood this morning. Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?"

"Ugh obviously. I live with Christopher Hadley and he is the last person in the world, you would want to see first thing in the morning!"

Christopher Hadley. Brother dearest. As if. Least favourite person right now because he ate the last pancake this morning. THE PANCAKE THAT I MADE FOR MYSELF. ME. I. He can be funny sometimes. Rarely actually. So much more attractive than me to be honest, but that's only because puberty is yet to hit me (or so I hope)

"I think he's pretty hot in the morning," Melissa says, shrugging and I swat her head. "Ow! What was that for?"

"To get you back to your senses," I say with an innocent, sweet smile. She's not amused. "Okay fine, come on we'll be late to class! The bell's about to ring and I need my books!" I say and practically drag her through the now smaller crowd. We stop at my locker just as the warning bell rings and I swap out my Maze Runner book for my AP Chem and AP Maths book and slam my locker shut. "Shall we?" I say and link arms with Melissa. She laughs and we head off for class together.

Melissa is in most of my classes, since we both do AP and she's half Dutch so she's half genius. We walk into AP Chem and I groan. How could I forget? We just got back from spring break and Mr. White is changing the seating positions AND our lab partners!! Buzz kill!! I walk up to the small crowd at the front, clustered at the board where all notices are kept.

"I have to sit with bad breath Betty! But I'm paired up with Chris so I guess I'm good," Melissa says and flicks her hair over her shoulder. I chuckle and my eyes start to scan the list.

Betty Harper, Louisa Harden, Christopher Hadley, Charlotte Hadley!

My eyes stop at my name and I look at the name next to mine, "Elizabeth Parker and Lucca Shane, lab partner is-" I freeze. No. No oh dear god no. Please don't let this be true.

Oh sweet Jesus, I get that I hardly ever worship but I promise if this isn't true I'll start going to services!

"What? Why did you stop?" Melissa says and peeks over my shoulder to see who I'm paired with.

"Liam Williams. Fucking Liam WILLIAMS!" I whisper shout into her ear.

"Calm down little sis, he's not that bad," Christopher says walking into the conversation.

"I'm 15 minutes younger than you? AND YES HE IS BAD! HE BULLIED ME FOR 3 YEARS!" My voice gradually gets louder and starts to crack. (It happens sometimes ok. Part of puberty I think)

William Williams. Ok first of all, why on Earth would anyone name their child William Williams? HAHAHAHA. It's like asking for your kid to be bullied. Except he's usually the one doing the bullying. In fact William Williams (HAHAHAHAAH I need to stop that it's really distracting) bullied me for three years. When we were 13 I was way taller than him and he used to call me Spider legs. The nickname stuck and literally everyone called me Spider legs! He didn't even stop when he had his growth spurt and even though people eventually stopped calling me Spider legs, that didn't stop him. He picked on me for always reading books for over 6 months and then, proceeded to endlessly pull pranks on me. Not the cool type of pranks you do to scare your friends. More like putting goop in my hair, my beautiful long hair that I had to cut off so short that I cried for nearly three days straight until my mom told me I could get extensions until my hair grew out. FYI IT STILL HASN'T GROWN OUT AND IT'S BEEN A YEAR! Other than all that horrible stuff, Liam's pretty hot. IF he weren't such an asshole to me, I'd probably tap him. No lie. But he's an asshat so #blacklisted along with the other guys on that list like the rest of the male population at Harlem High. Lol.

"Lottie. Snap out of it." Chris says and smacks me around the head. I grunt and glare at him, rubbing at my head.

"I cannot be paired up with William Williams," I snort, "for 2 and a half months!" I continue.

"Call me William Williams one more time and I swear to God Spider legs, I. Will. Kill. You." Wil-LIAM (heh see what I did there) growls and pushes past me to the furthest table at the back. I whimper and cower behind Melissa, who so conveniently decides now is the greatest time for her to go sit down.

The lesson bell rings and Mr. White walks into the room. I scurry to a random table and sit down. "Alright kids! I know that the board at the front says you have table partners and lab partners but I've decided to change that seeing as some students have an issue with their lab partners," he explains, in his thick Welsh accent, his eyes landing on me.

YES JESUS! THANK YOU! I PROMISE I'LL GO TO CHURCH TODAY AND LIGHT 3 CANDLES FOR YOU! Or whatever it is that religious people do to show their gratitude to you!

"For this trimester, you kids will be sitting with your lab partners!" Mr. White says, over enthusiastically.

Really Jesus? My man? You're kidding right?

"Get moving! Now!" Mr. White says clicking his fingers for emphasis.

I grunt and grab my books from my table, "Sayonara, Brother." I say and mock salute Christian. 'Save me' I mouth to Melissa and she just rolls her eyes. She gives me the 'you're over reacting look'. Now it's my turn to roll my eyes. I walk to the back of the class and drop my books next to Liam, plopping myself down on the stool next to him and scooting as far away as I can with the chair. Elizabeth Parker takes the seat next to me and gives me a small smile, I smile back.

Elizabeth Parker. She's really sweet, but we hardly talk. We're always paired up in most subjects because we work so well together and finish ahead of time. Outside of class? I don't know. I think she likes to shop?

Betty Harper sits down on the other side of Liam and he glares at her. That earns him a whimper from her and I give her a small smile.

Betty Harper. Also known as Bad breath Betty. She got that nickname from the first and last time some popular kid kissed her after lunch. It was a dare of course because why would the oh so mighty populars associate themselves with nerds like us? Poor Betty decided that, that was a great day to have onion rings AND garlic bread for lunch. Again, hardly ever talked to her but she's super smart and she's always willing to help with homework.  

"I'm in the fucking ninth circle of hell." I mutter.

"You say something, Spider legs?"

"No." I reply

"Thought so."

"You can't think to save your life." I mutter again and look up to see Liam eyeing me suspiciously. I smile at him innocently.

"Cheer up, buttercup. This will be fun, won't it Spider legs?" Liam says mockingly.

"Sure it will. William." I say with a sly smirk but I'm pretty sure I look like a pedophile. All he does is growl in response. "Calm down tiger, just joking." I say and wink at him but I can't wink for shit. Why do I even try?

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