"I thought I lost you..."

30 9 3

"Charlie, hurry up!" Chris' voice echos through the house. I run a hand through my hair and speed walk out of my room, taking the stairs two at a time.

"Bye Mama! We'll be back in an hour," I yell and run out of the house, glancing at my dad's out of place Mercedes parked in our driveway. I get into the passenger seat and Chris drives away straight away.

"So Liam's house first or picking up Stacey first?" Chris asks,

"Stacey, but we have to stop at a costume store, MI-6 and Russian mafia are still looking for her, so is her dad." I explain AND Chris nods, taking the road to the mall.

"How'd you feel?" He says and glances to me before turning back to the road. I look down at the bandage still on my thigh and sigh.

"Better, I can run now so I guess there's some improvement but it's still a little sore. I can't wait till I don't have to wear dresses and shorts anymore." I groan. Chris chuckles.

"Yeah, it kind of is a big giveaway to who you are if one of Stacey's dad's guards happens to be where we are, or the media or the whole town since her dad made that dumb announcement about stabbing you." Chris says and gives me a sympathetic smile.

"Okay I get it, I'll stay in the car while you do the shopping okay?" I say and he chuckles.

"A bought a red head wig, fake glasses and this really odd overall looking outfit," Chris says when he dumps the shopping bags in my lap, I wince a bit but don't say anything.


"I picked slippers cause they were cheap," he explains as we drive out of the parking and head to Liam's safe house.

About an hour later Chris and I take a turn to the forest and a small cottage comes into our view. He parks and we both get down super fast. I pull up my hood and we go to the back of the cottage where Liam told us the trapdoor to the basement was. I lift the door and lead the way down the rickety stairs until we reach a landing and I jump off. The action sends a jolt of pain up my leg and I groan.

"You okay!" Chris whispers when he jumps down after me. I nod my head and he leads us forwards until we reach the door that takes us upstairs, I push it open and we enter a room that looks like a laundry room. We look at each other and Chris exits the room. I follow and we stop at a living room where Stacey is watching TV.

"Char!" Stacey says and I rush forward, limping slightly. She sees me and runs up to me, giving me a hug.

"Stas, are you okay?" I say after we finally break apart from the hug, she nods and looks down at my thigh giving me a small smile, I smile back.

"We brought you a disguise," Chris says and hands her the shopping bags. "I take it your tracker chip has been deactivated?" He asks and Stacey nods.

"Liam didn't want me to leave in case someone recognised me." Stacey explains and we nod. "I'll go get dressed, text Liam to tell him we're going there." Stacey says and heads out the passage. Chris pulls out his phone and I assume he's texting Liam so I plop myself down on the couch and look at my bandage. I fiddle with the little plates that keeps it tied up and start to unravel it.

"Charlie, what are you doing?" Chris asks.

"I want to see the scar," I whisper and continue to unravel it until the bandage is off. I pull off the small cotton sheet that's covering the scar and hiss when it stings because of the dried blood stuck to it. There's a 5cm cut that's been stitched up and it looks horrid.

"Oh gross look at all the dried up blood," Chris says and I chuckle. "Are yu going to cover it up? Please cover it up." I get up and head to the bathroom I saw down the hall. I sit on the bathtub and turn the faucet on, taking some toilets paper and wetting it, I dab it on the cut and groan at the impact. Once the dried blood is all cleaned up I throw the tissues in the toilet and flush them. I walk back to the living room and Stacey's all dressed up,

"Shall we go?" I ask in my most fanciest accent and Stacey laughs and nods.

We pull up at Liam's house and I see him and Clara rush out of the door. Clara engulfs me in a hug and I giggle.

"Oh god I was so worried, we visited you at the hospital and they said that only family was allowed and I thought you were gonna died but that god you didn't die because I have no idea what I'd do if you died," she rants and I smile, I look up at Liam to see him watching me intently and I smile at him, earning a smile back. I walk up to him and give him a hug, feeling a spark electricity and the rush of blood on my cheeks.

"How are you," he whispers when I pull away and I shrug, his eyes travel down to my thigh, where my stitches ate and he looks back up at me, a sympathetic look on his face. "You scared me Charlie. When I walked into that room with you passed out and bleeding. I didn't know what to do I was scared, and when you weren't gaining conciousness," he runs a hand through his hair, " it didn't even help that they weren't letting us in. I thought I lost you..." he says and whispers the last part.

I look him in the eyes and smile, shaking my head. Acting out of impulse I reach up to my toes and place my lips on his. He takes a while to register what's happening but when he does he kisses me back, our lips moving in sync.

"I hate to break this cute reunion but we have serious issues we need to discuss," Stacey says and I franctically pull away. I clear my through and look anywhere but at him, running a hand through my hair and ignoring the tingling sensation in my lips. "Yeah, uh right. Let's go." I mumble and rush forward shaking my head.

What the fuck was I thinking?
God now he thinks I like him.

Do I like him?


And he kissed me back, why did he kiss me back? Could he like me?

Dear God! Get your shit together Charlotte!

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