"Charlotte Hadley!"

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It's been 2 months since Chris and I told our parents we were ready to take over our family business. Well more like help our in our family's covert assassination organisation. 2 months also means that it's finally our 17th birthday. 2 weeks to the end of the school year. 2 weeks till the 6 month intensive training program Chris and I will be having. That also means this week is finals week.

Groaning at my maths revision that doesn't seem to be making any sense at all, I shut my book and get up from my study table. Quickly picking up the little gift I got for Chris, I go out of my room, sneaking a glance at his room door to light spilling from the bottom of his door. I check the time on my watch. 12:01. Oops I'm a minute late.

I knock on his door, not waiting for an answer I open the door and am face to face to with singlehandedly the most scarring thing I ever have to witness. My brother getting it on with my best friend.

"Gross!" I whisper shout and they scramble off of each other. "I think I'm going to throw up." I say, putting a hand to my throat for dramatic effect.

"You should've knocked!" Chris exclaims and I roll my eyes.

"I did!" I retort. Lissa is quickly pulling on a shirt.

"You should've waited for me to let you in!" Chris snarkily chastises and I groan.

"Well, you should've locked the door. In fact you shouldn't have been doing," I tell him, gesturing to whatever it is they were doing, "that stuff at this time knowing it's our birthday. You know we always wish each other at midnight, it's tradition!" I quietly exclaim, not wanting to wake my mother up and expose her to this horrific sight. The look on Chris' face tells me everything I need to know.

"You forgot it was our birthday!"

"I didn't forget, it just slipped off my mind." He replies groaning.

"How do you forget your own birthday?" Lissa asks incredulously. I nod at that.

"Yeah what she said."

"I was, distracted." He says, pointedly, looking at Melissa. I see her flush and feel a wave of nausea.

"Oh god I can't look at you the same anymore. Here, happy birthday. Goodbye." I say, chucking the gift over to Chris. He catches it swiftly and I turn away to leave.

"Wait." Chris says and I stop in my tracks. I hear his feet padding over to one of his drawers and turn around to see him rummaging around for something.

"Aha! Happy birthday, little sister." Chris says and walks over to me, engulfing me in a bear hug. He breaks away from the hug and gives me the gift.

"This better not be some kind of prank, again." I remember bitterly, my mind racing back to the time he gave me a box of his collection of boogers. He told me they were gems. I can't believe I believed him. "Open yours." I tell him and open the gift he gave me. It's a small white box with ribbons on it. Taking the ribbons off, I open the box and I catch my breath. Inside the box is a short gold chain with the letters 'c' and 'h' imprinted onto seperate golden discs.

"Charlotte Hadley!" I exclaim, happily. Chris rolls his eyes but smiles nonetheless. I give him a huge hug and put the necklace on straight away. I watch him open his gift in fascination, hoping he'll like his gift. He takes out the little key charm with the words 'womb mates' written on it, snorting he tears away the wrapping to completely expose the box of his actual gift. It's the Daniel Wellington watch that he was dying to get for ages.

"You did not!" He exclaims in disbelief.

"I spent half of my allowance on that watch so you better take care of it!" I warn him with a hint of amusement in my voice. He smiles and me and hugs me again.

"If you guys are done, it's my turn to give your gifts." Melissa says from behind us and we smile and turn to face her. "This ones for my best friend, Lottie." She says handing over a wrapped up box. "And this ones for my boyfriend, Chris." She hands him his box, a slight blush creeping on to her face. I open my gift and and I smile. It's a silver Celtic heart pendant. I unclasp the necklace Chris gave me and add it onto it.

"It's a Scottish thing. I didn't know how you'd feel about it but I figured you want to get close to your heritage." She explains and I smile at her.

"I love it. Liss!" I gush and hug her. We break away from the hug and I see the gift she gave Chris. It's a snow globe of Edinburgh castle.

"You're really serious about this heritage thing huh?" He says lightly but kisses her nonetheless. I groan and make puking sounds until they pull apart. I quickly say my good nights and head over to my room where I get ready for bed. Turning on my phone I see I have endless messages from one specific person and I smile.

Me: hey goop boy

About a second later my phone lights up from my reply.

Goop boy: hey birthday girl.

Me: what did u get me?

Goop boy: 😏

Me: 🙄

Goop boy: happy birthday Charles ❤️

Me: thank you Will 🤗

I smile and lock my phone. My mind drifting back to the day he asked me out. We never got around to actually going on a date but we did go on a weird double date thing where Chris grew a pair and asked Melissa to be his girlfriend. Right now Liam and I are kind of dating. I'm happy the way we are. Slowly my eyes start to close and I drift off to sleep.

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