"In California?"

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I'm starting to think my life just keeps getting more and more complicated with each day that passes. I started the spring trimester with nothing to worry about except senior year. Then I get invited-no-forcefully invited, to Liam's annual party. There my ex best friend emotionally abuses me and leaves in the tub to cry my eyes out. The next day I'm scheming to break into her building and 'extract' information about her that I can use against her. My brother is held hostage and I get stabbed in the process. Oh and let's not forget the fact that I shot a guy and killed him, regardless of the fact that it was in self-defence. He still died. After that my super MIA dad, that split from my mum for complicated reasons, comes back home, offers me a job at his human killing agency and my mum is happy and chill about it, in fact they've somehow reconciled and are in love. My brother and I accept our job offers and find out my best friend and ex best friend, who is now my friend, were offered jobs as well. Oh and to be accepted into the agency, you have to die. Skip to where I am now, my boyfriend-no my friend that I do dirty things with-asks me to put a label on our relationship and I can't accept because I'm supposed to die in 2 weeks. Oh and I'm also losing feelings for him. Not a big deal. Everything is normal. I'm just your typical 17 year old, cruising through life at 180 miles per hour. Probably gonna kill some people in the process, no joke.

"Had I known you were going to dawdle around, I wouldn't have even brought you with me." A very grumpy Melissa pulls me out of my reverie.

"Lissa!" I whine.


"You know how I feel about, shopping." I groan, she rolls her eyes at me and continues to pick out more black clothing. Since Lissa was offered a job as well, she thought it would be a good idea to clear out all of her "normal Lissa clothes" and replace them with "spy Lissa clothes", her words, not mine. She dragged me along to help pick out spy-worthy clothes.

"No not the sweater. What on earth are you going to do with a black sweater?" I ask her increduosly.

"It's for the winter!" She exclaims in defence. I look at her blankly.

"In California?"

"What if we go to other countries?." She replies defiantly and I shrug at her. She smiles triumphantly, adding it to her pile of clothes.

"I guess you should grab one for me too." I say sweetly and she rolls her eyes at me, taking one more nevertheless.

"Can you believe this is seriously happening?" Lissa says after a while of walking around and picking more black clothes.


"In less than a week, we're going to be training to be kickass spies!" She whisper shouts and I grin at her.

"This is like a dream coming true for Chris and I!" I exclaim and we giggle together.

"Oooo look at this!" She exclaims and I look up at the inexplicably small pair of tight pants.

"Uh, Liss. I don't think you're going to fit into those. I mean sure you're skinny and all but that looks like it came out of the kid's section."

"Shut up. These are leather tights. They're supposed to be tight."

"I'm sure there's a level of tightness that tights are supposed to be and it looks like that pair crossed it. By far." I state and she tosses the tights to my face.

"No harm in trying them, right? Right." She adds them to her pile anyways then starts to walk towards the fitting rooms.

After Lissa is done paying, we head down to the coffee shop and sit at our normal spot, a table that faces the entrance, so you can see everything, but if people want to see you they have to look very closely.

"So, how are things with Liam?" Melissa asks, slowly and cautiously, taking a sip from her drink.

"Ugh, strained. He knows something's up but he's not pushing me to tell him. Which is good, I guess, but I want out of-this thing- whatever it is we have, and I don't want to hurt him." I ramble and she holds my hand.

"The simple way out of any problem, is to talk." She says sincerely and I smile at her.

"Somethings are too hurtful to bring up."

"Which is why it's better to get it done with sooner, rather than later or before it's too late." She tells me pointedly and I nod at her. "Which is why today might be a good option, in fact right now." I give her a puzzled look and she nods in the direction of a figure approaching the coffee shop. I squint at the figure and my eyes widen in realisation. It's Liam.

"Oh good God." I whisper.

"You're not even religious." Lissa whispers back.

"It's never too late to start." I retort.

"Lottie. Go." Lissa urges me and I shake my head vehemently. "Fine." She pulls out her wallet and drops a Benjamin on the table then grabs her bags and gets up. I look at her puzzled for the umpteenth time and she rolls her eyes. "I'm going to tell him you're here. I'll see you at home, Liam can drop you." I gape at her and she walks away over to Liam I see them talking animatedly and they look over in my direction. Quickly, I slouch in my seat but it's too late, he's already seen me. He sends me a charming smile and I groan.

"I would  sell my soul for a minute of that guys attention," the waitress, Lauren, says.

"You have no idea." I grumble back at her. She smiles at me and clears away Lissa's mess. I look back up at where Lissa and Liam once were to see Lissa heading away and Liam heading this way.

"Hey, baby." Liam's warm voice fills my ears. I inwardly cringe at the word 'baby' but smile at him.

"Liam, we need to talk." Sensing the seriousness in my voice he sits down. I notice other girls in the coffee shop swooning at him and I roll my eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asks, seriously. I take a deep breath.

"I really wish it didn't have to be this way. I tried to convince myself it's just hormones, I mean- I thought it would go away- but it's just getting worse everyday and no matter how much I tell myself I shouldn't be feeling this way I can't help but think maybe it's because I read too much into the feelings and I don't want to-" I ramble on and Liam holds my hand and cuts me off.

"Charlie, deep breaths. Calm down. It's okay, neither one of us is going anywhere. Take a sip of your drink and tell me, calmly, what's wrong." Liam soothes me, I look at him dejectedly.

"It's not you it's me." As soon as the words come out of my mouth I slap my hand at my forehead. Liam's eyes are wide and confused. "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean for it to come out like that. Um. I-uh-I should explain myself-"

"Are you breaking up with me?" Liam cuts me off, for the second time, this time confusion and hurt pours out of him.

"No! I'm just-" I pause and sigh. I feel a small tear fall from my eye and I look up at Liam. "Yes, I am. I'm breaking up with you, William."

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