"Aye aye, captain"

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Quick author's note before you start reading. I'll be splitting the 'death' mission into 3 parts: phase 1, phase 2 and phase 3, because it's way too long for it to be one chapter. This is mainly because I want to cover every detail as thoroughly as I can. Everything you are reading is a figment of my imagination, mixed with stuff I have seen on TV and read in books. I'm trying to be as realistic as I can do please bear with me as I try to make this seem legit! Thank you so much for your support so far! ❤️

Today is THE day. The day my parents, Chris, Lissa, Stacey, and, I have been waiting for with bated breaths.

"Is everyone ready?" Dad says to us as we sit on the couch, nervous in our own way. We look at each other uneasily and nod simultaneously. The atmosphere is buzzing with excitement. Apart from that I'm sure you could tell something was going on just by the looks on our faces.

"Okay kids, I can tell you're nervous about how today is going to go. Just take it as a normal road trip with friends and everything will be fine." My dad tries to give us a pep talk, clearly aware that it's not working. "Do you need me to run though the plan one more time?"

"Yes." We all say simultaneously, Chris and Stacey nodding their heads. My parents look at us weirdly but get over it.

"We're going to hack into the city security system. Then Cora is going to make a remote controlled SUV drive skid and flip over. A loop of the car flipped over will play on the security camera in the town hall while you guys get into the car. The police will arrive with an ambulance and paramedics in less than a minute. You guys will be taken into the hospital where Cora, and 7 other agents will be undercover as nurses and medical examiners, and we initiate Phase 2. Each of you will be injected with the serum by the nurses and then carried to the morgue by the medical examiners, where I'll be waiting, after you're pronounced dead. We will revive you but you'll still have to stay in the morgue until the paperwork for your death certificates are done, then we'll have to also prepare a funeral for each of you. This is when Phase 3 begins and you guys are officially dead to the world." My dad explains while pacing around the living room.

"I have 1 question. What's going to happen to my tracker?" Stacey asks, uneasily.

"Your tracker will deactivate when your heart stops beating. We'll get you underground and remove the tracker when it's deactivated so we don't risk any kind of malfunctions." My dad reassures her and she breathes a sigh of relief.

"If we're all set, let's begin." My mother says and my father nods.


"All agents in position," my dads voice sounds in my ear.

"Yes sir."

"Aye aye, captain."

I say at the same time as Chris and Lissa. Chris shoots me a flat look.

"At least take this seriously." He says swatting my leg from across me.

When my dad said we'd be waiting in a trailer, I was thinking one of those big ass truck trailers, ya know, the ones that are massive and big and carry like cargo shipments and that type of stuff. What I didn't expect, was the trailer of a fricking ice cream truck. So you can only imagine how cramped it is in here, with 2 average height people, and Chris and I with our unnaturally long spider legs. Well Chris mainly since he's way taller than me, but I'm pretty tall too.

If anyone had to stumble across this tiny ice cream truck trailer and see the of us, looking like we just came back from a war, they'd probably call the police or something.

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