"That was a mistake,"

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Have you ever had a dream so vivid, it almost felt like it was real? I know I have. In the backseat of Liam's car. It so doesn't help that his car smells like cologne and cigarettes. In other words. Him. I bolt up awake, sweating, my body heating up my face flushing. Vivid images of my dream flash through my head.

"I need to get out of here," I groan, let myself out and lock the car. Pocketing the keys.


I rush back into school and head straight for the bathroom. Splashing my face with water as cold as ice.

"Get your shit together," I breathe out to myself and take a deep breath. I glance at my watch quickly and head out for the last 5 minutes of lunch.

Skipping the food altogether, i head straight for the table, and I hold my finger up. "Don't. Don't say a word." Lissa nods and makes a lips-sealed motion with her hands, i give her a small smile.

I look across the cafeteria and see Liam looking back at me, he holds up a thumb and raises a brow.

Are you okay?

I nod and send him a small smile too, he smiles back.

"Earth to Lottie!" Lissa says, snapping her fingers in my face.

"Huh? What? Oh, um I was distracted, what were you saying?" I say and clear my throat.

"Yeah, clearly. Can you come over today? We have to work on that French project together." Lissa says, as-a-matter-of-factly. I groan and slap my forehead,

"Can't. I have to finish to darned cards and I have babysitting."

"I'll come over to Martha's. What time?"

"No idea, I'll text you," I say and get up just before the bell rings, "Catch you later, don't wait up for me after school Chris, I'm going to Liam's" I say and rush away before their interrogation.

"Spi! Spider wait up!" I hear Liam's voice shouting.

"Shit," I mutter under my breath, speeding up and practically running out of the school.

"Wait!" Liam shouts and I feel a hand pulling at my wrist. "What the hell Charlotte? Why are you running away from me?"

"Becauseithinkiwantokissyou," I say really quickly, lowering my head so my hair can cover my flushed face.

"Wha-" I reach up in my tiptoes and press my lips on his, my eyes fluttering shut. It lasts like a millisecond before I realise what the shit I'm doing and I pull away.

"I'm sorry, that was a mistake. Oh god I'm so stupid. I'm um gonna go, I'll see you after school I guess?" I rant and bolt of, leaving a stunned and wide eyed Liam behind.

The last bell rings for the day and I groan. Usually, I'm ecstatic about the final bell but today? I'm not. I'm driving to Liam's house, in Liam's car that's smells like Liam, the boy who I randomly kissed and ran away from. Mind you, that was my first ever kiss. I'm such a screw up.

I trudge out of class and stop by my locker, dropping my stuff and grabbing my bag. Then I walk over to Liam's locker where he's still standing and laughing with some of his friends.

Maybe he forgot?

"Spider, nice to see you?" Liam says awkwardly and I give him an awkward wave.

"I'll just go wait for yo-"

"No it's fine, lets go." He gives his friends a weird nod and grabs my hand, pulling me across the hall and to the parking with him.

By the time we reach his car, my hand feels like someone held it over a blue flame and my face is hot enough to warm the people in Antarctica.

"Keys?" Liam asks me and I look at him confused, then I realise I have the keys from earlier today. I smirk at him and walk over to the drivers side, unlock the car and get in really quickly. I start the car and Liam is still standing outside with his eyes narrowed. I roll down the window and look at him,

"Are you getting in or am I going to have to leave you?" I ask, mockingly. He rolls his eyes and gets into the passenger seat.

"I have to say, that was a smart move."

"Who am I kidding, I'm not about to pass up an opportunity to drive an Audi R8. Buckle up kid cause today might be your drive to heaven, or in your case, he'll." I say with a big grin, reversing out of the school parking at full speed.

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