"Operation Dynamite is a go,"

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"See, I told you she won't like it!" Clara says with a triumphant smile.

"You said you'd do anything to destroy Stacey.." Melissa says as a matter factly, shrugging a bit.

"I don't even know the first thing about being a bad ass!" I reply, exasperated.

They've lost it. Completely. There's no way I can become some badass chick and get back at Stacey.

"I can teach you," Liam says in a duh tone. I narrow my eyes at him.

"No offense dude, but you're like the last person on Earth I would go to help me."

"Ouch Lottery, that really hurt my pretty little heart." I narrow my eyes at a new nickname but let it pass.

"As if you even have a heart," I retort, childishly. Liam opens his mouth to reply but Lissa cuts him off.

"Okay you two, leave the bickering like an old couple for later. We need to make a plan." I roll my eyes.

"The plan is, there is no plan! I'm not going badass! I have high expectations to keep up to! I need good grades and being a badass won't help me get a scholarship!"

"Bullshit, I get good grades and I have the baddest ass out there," Liam says and winks.

Oh the nerve he has!

"Agreed." Lissa nods and winks at me.

"What's with the winking?!"I give up. Frustrated, I get up and pace around the room.

"So it's final? We're making you badass?" Clara says and I can clearly see she's happy.

"It's going to fail!" I say. They ignore me, Clara brings up a notepad and starts taking notes, Lissa stands up and holds me still while Clara walks around me, jotting down in her notepad. I see a phrase and squint so I can read it.

I do not have caterpillar brows!

My hand flies up to my eyebrows to protect them from Lissa and Clara's scrutinizing eyes. Liam sighs and gets up, "Oh please. Amateurs." He plucks the notebook from Clara's hand and reads it, snorting at some of the notes and then tosses it aside. "If we want this plan to work, I'm going to be the team leader and we're doing it my way," Liam says. I glare at him and his lips twitch.
"First of all, this is going to be called 'Operation Badass'," Liam says, melodramatically, waving his hands in the air for emphasis.

"That's the shittiest op name I've ever heard," I scoff.

"Operation Black Mamba?" Clara suggests.

"No." Liam replies, deadpan.

"Operation New Girl?" Lissa suggests.

"Even worse," I reply

"Well, do you have anything better?" Melissa asks, clearly annoyed and crossing her arms in front of her chest. Her eyebrows furrowed they way they only are when she's annoyed.

"As a matter of fact I do. And I'd like you to know, I'm leading this mission too." I say and square up to Liam, literally nose to nose. My stomach flutters but I swallow it down. Liam smirks, "So? What is it?"

"Operation Dynamite."
Clara, Liam, Lissa, Chris and I sit in one of Liam's massive conference rooms. Going over the plan one more time.

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