"I like your monkey pyjamas,"

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My eyes flutter open and I groan. Flipping over I check the time on my bedside clock. 15:15. What? I rub my eyes and check the time again. 15:16.

"NO WAY!" I shout, jumping out of bed and running around frantically. "THERE IS NO WAY I SLEPT THROUGH MY ALARM! I MISSED MY MATHS EXAM!" I scream and run out of my room. Thundering down the stairs I see my mum leaning against the door that leads to the living room smiling and chatting animatedly, I assume she's talking to Chris so I start to yell,

"WHY DIDN'T ANYONE WAKE ME UP? I MISSED MY MATHS EXAM. MY FINAL MATHS EXAM!" As I approach the dining room and my mum turns around to face me, slightly moving away from the doorway, my mouth drops at the amount of people sitting around the dining table. Melissa, Stacey, Liam, Clara, Chris, Dad. Forgetting what I came down for I suddenly start to feel self conscious and remember I'm wearing one of my most embarrassing pair of pyjamas.

"Charles. How nice of you to finally join us." Chris says, rolling his eyes. I gape at him and hear an amused snort coming from my father. My eyes flicker across the table and stop at Liam who's smirking at me. He winks and I blush furiously.

"I- what's going on?" I demand.

"What's supposed to be a birthday celebration for us, but someone decided to oversleep." Chris informs me. The word oversleep helps bring me back to my normal state and I turn to my mum.

"I missed my maths final exam because no one woke me up!" I exclaim. My mum starts to laugh, causing everyone to join in and laugh at me. I feel my face heating up.

"What? What's so funny?" I whine and start to feel impatient. "Someone tell me what I'm missing, please?!"

"Lottie, you're not writing your final exams!" My mum tells me, smiling.

"What? Why not? Have I been removed from school?" I ask, frantic.

"No. How could you forget, dummy!" My mum starts. "You wrote them during spring break because of how astounding your grades were. You don't need to re write them, the school thinks it's pointless so you can just chill around for a while." She explains. My face contorts to confusion and then I start to remember what was going on. During spring break I was given the offer to write my finals earlier because of how great my grades were. I wasn't expected to come to school after spring break but the school thought it would be "beneficial for me to start preparing for senior year".

"Oh yeah. I can't believe it slipped my mind." I say quietly. With everything that's going on, I'm not surprised it slipped my mind.

"Why don't you get dressed and join us. Camille and Rosalie will be coming over soon." My mum tells me and I nod, taking a quick look at what Chris is wearing so I can 'unintentionally' colour coordinate.

I head back up to my wardrobe and pick out a peach cami top to match with Chris' V-neck. I pull out a pair of cut off shorts and a light kimono. Heading off to my bathroom I quickly brush my teeth and step into the shower. The ends of my hair get wet and by the time I'm out I hear the doorbell ring. I throw on my clothes and run a hand through my hair, shrug, and head downstairs in a pair of black socks.

"There she is! The birthday girl!" Camille's harmonious voice calls out from the entrance and so I smile at her.

"And the birthday boy." Chris says lightly as he walks up from behind me. Camille pulls us into a hug, wishing us a happy birthday. The bell rings again and Chris opens it to reveal Rosalie. I beam at her and she pulls me into a hug, then Chris as well.

Rosalie McKinley. Melissa's mother and my practically second mother. She has beautiful golden hair and sapphire blue eyes, that Melissa inherited. She's bubbly, funny and simply an amazing woman. Melissa inherited most of her traits as well. Being Dutch she's the most blunt person in town (stereotypical, I know) her mother, Liam's and mine are in charge of the school parents committee.

"Happy birthday, my sweets! Lewis couldn't make it but he sent a gift for you two!" She says in her thick Dutch accent and then gives us each a gift bag. "The gold wrapping is mine and the other one is Lewis."

Lewis McKinley. Melissa's dad and an amazing man. He makes the best chocolate chip cookies (don't tell my mum I said that), he works for some big oil company that's worldwide and is constantly travelling, like Liam's dad.

"Oh! Thank god you reminded me, Rose! I would've forgotten to give them their gifts." Camille exclaims and Rosalie gives out a hearty laugh. Camille pulls out two prettily wrapped gifts, handing it over to Chris and I, respectively. Thanking both of them for their gifts, we lead them over to the living room and Chris and I walk in together.

"Aww! Look at you!" My mum exclaims, clasping her hands together. "You're matching, just like when you were younger!" She continues and I can see her eyes start to shine. My dad walks over and puts an arm around my mum, smiling at us. I look at Chris and he's gone beet red. I give him a cheeky smile and he makes a face at me.

We put our gifts aside just as Clara and Stacey come over to give us more gifts. We thank them and then head over to the sofas. I sit down in between Chris and Liam and join in the conversations parents were having with the other parents about Lord knows what.

"I like your monkey pyjamas," Liam whispers in my ears. I feel goosebumps creep up my neck and shiver.

"I like them too."

"I hope you like my gift," he says cheekily, handing me a little box wrapped in Christmas wrapping. I raise my eyebrow at him and he smiles sleepily. I can sense he's a bit nervous. My hand goes up to the gifts Chris and Melissa gave me last night, resting perfectly on my throat. I tear away the wrapping quietly and see a navy blue Chopard box. I look up at him with wide eyes.

"This must have cost a lot!" I whisper shout, quickly glancing around to see if anyone was listening.

"Charlie, I can afford this and more." He says blankly. I'm about to protest and he silences me. "Just open it. If you don't like it I can give it to Clara." Finally accepting, I sigh and open the box. Inside the cushioned box is a thin bracelet with a hand of hands on it. In the middle on the hand is a single gem, probably a diamond. I gasp and see him smiling at me.

"You heard me talk about how unlucky I am."I say softly and he nods. I indicate for him to help me put it on and he does, holding my hand when he's done to examine it it. I give his hand a small squeeze and smile at him.

"I was gonna ask you something." He whispers slowly. I look up at him and smile.


"Charlotte. Will you be my girlfriend?"

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