Not today Satan, not today

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"Spider, if you don't wake up in 5 seconds, I'm going to pour this bucket ice down your back," I hear a hazy deep voice call out. I groan and snuggle into my pillow, smiling slightly. I'm dreaming of pizza and cute boys and jet skis and abs and-

"WHAT THE HELL!" I scream and jiggle out of the bed, trying to get the ice cubes out of my shirt. I can hear Chris roaring with laughter and that annoys me even more. "Christhoper Edgar Hadley, you've had it! I'm not even joking shut the- STOP LAUGHING!" I screech, leaping out of bed, grabbing my broken lamp and chasing him to the back yard.

"Face me you coward! Grow a pair and fight me you little shit!" I shout, storming into the garden shed and swapping my lamp for a shovel. I rush out at the sound of rustling leaves and hit the bushes with my shovel.

"Charlotte, is there any particular reason why you are beating my poor roses with a shovel?" I hear my unamused mum call out from the kitchen with her faint scottish accent.

"Huh?" I look at the shovel in my hand and the mess I've made. Shrugging, I drop the shovel on the ground and waddle back into the house.

"Just saying, we are now 15 minutes late because of you," Chris says, slipping his phone back in his pocket with a sly smile.

"If I find a video of me on any means of social media Chris, I will castrate you and feed you your balls," I reply, staring him right in the face with my not-to-mess-with look and thunder back upstairs.


"Don't forget your reply letters!" My mum shouts as I bolt out of the house with Chris close in tow, only stopping to get my reply slip. I start the car and put it in reverse, waiting for Chris to close his door to drive off.

"Char, please slow down," Chris shouts, clinging to his seat. I smile and step on the accelerator. "At this rate, we will never reach school, alive," Chris says, breathlessly. I take a sharp turn and he shouts out obscenities. "Oh my god, I think I'm hyperventilating. I'm going to die!" Chris says, fanning his face and gasping for air, I let out a hearty laugh.

"Come on Chris, loosen up, live a little!" I say, finally pulling into the school driveway and hopping out of the car all in one swift move.

Good job Charlotte, you managed to maintain your balance and not fall over.

I slam the door and chuck the keys to a green looking Chris and toss my hair over my shoulder, smirking, well aware that I'm 30 minutes late to my lessons.

"Ah. Charlotte, Christoper. How nice of you two to finally grace us with your presence," Mr White says when Chris and I barge in, bickering about whose fault it was.

"His fault,"

"Her fault," we both say simultaneously. I narrow my eyes at him.

"Shut up, sit down." Mr White says and rolls his eyes. I drop our slips at his table and make my way to the back.

"I've got to say, if this is you trying to get my attention, then you have it all," Liam says in a low voice, winking at me with a small smirk.

Not today Satan, not today.

"Oh please. I'd rather stab myself in the eye with a pencil than try and get your attention," I reply back, picking my pencil and giving him a demonstration. "Nice to see you too Will," I say when he glares back at me.

"Spider. Spi. Wake up." Liam says poking me with his pencil. "Dude seriously wake up," Liam says and pulls my text book from under my head, making my head drop on the table. I groan and rub my head.

"This is your fault, Williams." I tell him tiredly and yawn, the bell rings and I pack my stuff away slowly.

Its only been the first lesson, how will I get through the day.

I internally groan and sling my bag over my shoulder.

"Spi! Wait, come with me." Liam says and drags me out of class towards the exit.

"Dude, we have maths," I say slowly.

"Not you, sleep in my car. I'll come and get you at lunch." Liam says and leads me to his car. I look at him in awe.

"Thanks," I say quietly.

"Don't tell anyone," he replies with a small smile.



Short I know but I'll make up to it in the next chapter :)

- Ria

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