"Liam, she's going in naked!"

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Odeya Rush ^

You know that feeling you get when you're aware you're about to do something absolutely crazy that you'll never be able to pull off, but you're way too far into it so you just do it anyways, knowing full well if you're plan fails you'll probably go to jail or worse, die? That's the feeling I have right now. I think the word for what we're about to do is absolutely and utterly, ludicrous.

"Okay Liam, we are infiltrating the building." Melissa says into the earpiece.

"23 more seconds until I've hacked into the hotel's camera system. Go to the reception desk like you're a normal person checking in and send me the code number for the card so that I can edit the card so it will open Stacey's door." Liam explains, Lissa and I look at each other and walk up to the reception.

"We have a reservation, it's under Pierce," Melissa says. The reception looks up at us and recognition floods through his face when he sets his eyes on me.

"Miss Pierce," he says calmly and hands me the card, "use the lift on the right," he explains.

"Do not use any of those lifts, only the service lift goes all the way to the 37th floor. Take the right lift to the first floor and then take the service life from there to the 37th floor." Liam chips in.

"Thank you," I mutter to both Liam and the reception guy. "The code on the card is 2734562."

"Changing the encryption in the card," Liam says and I can hear the click clacking of the keyboard in the background. "Aaand, done. Spider and Sparrow, you now have access to Stacey's room, courtesy of Liam the genius," Lissa and I both roll our eyes at that and continue walking to the lift.

"Okay Liam, proceeding to enter the lift," Melissa says.

"Lissa what floor are we on?"

"23, why?"

"We'll  send the lift up to the 23rd floor so it looks like we're actually going to our room, incase the receptionist is watching the lift." I explain, I click on the 1 and 23 button and the lift goes up. It stops at the first floor and we exit the lift.

"The service lift is down the corridor to the right, there's a door that looks like it goes to the room but when you swipe Stacey's card on it it will lead to a special lift, I'm going to change the camera videos to show you guys walking on the 23rd floor and entering your room and I'm going to loop the camera in the lift room so it shows there's no one in there," Liam explains, we nod.

"Hey, Liam? How exactly do you know how to hack into highly protected systems?" I ask incredulously.

"I'm a genius."

"No really,"

"That, my dear, is a story for another day," Lissa and I reach the lift door and I pull out the card and swipe it on the door, the light flashes green and I turn to the camera and grin, showing a thumbs up.

"Lissa please stop her from doing something like that again, she will blow our cover," Liam says in a bored tone.

"I can't control her, don't ask me. You brought this on yourself when you decided to make her a badass." Lissa says and snorts.

"Sparrow and I are in the service lift." I reach to press the button but it stops at 36. "Liam are you sure there are 37 floors? There's only buttons till 36."

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you the catch."

"Thanks, genius," I retort. I can see him rolling his eyes. Lissa has a sly smile.

"Ok guys I never thought I'd say this, but I have no idea where the 37th floor is. According to the hotel computering systems it does not exist, but on the blueprints it does," Liam says, clearly confused.

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