Chapter Four

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Hyosang and I stayed at the school the entire morning, even until classes were beginning. Yeah, I was pretty damn tired, and I'm sure he was too. We bonded a bit though, which seemed to make me understand more of who he actually is. He's still pretty jerk-ish but at least I know what to say and what not to say around him.

Everything was slow and boring until it was time for lunch. As I shuffled through the groups of kids, I eventually made it to the cafeteria before the others. When everyone got their trays and came to sit down, there was some uncomfortable silence. Like, Sehyuk was only playing with his food instead of eating it, Sanggyun was staring around the room, and Hyosang didn't even get his lunch, he's just tapping around on his phone.

This stayed until Sanggyun opened his mouth from staring at Hyosang, "Dude, why you look like a zombie?"

"Because I am one and I'll give you three seconds to stop ogling me before I bite your face off."

Sanggyun squealed and moved a seat over so there was a gap in between them. I couldn't help but grin as I rolled my eyes.

Silence oddly fell through again, which would be about the time I'd say something crazy to fill in the gap. But, of course, I can't because that's not how the 'cool kids' play it off.

As I'm glancing around the cafeteria to pass some time, I noticed that Hansol was at a back table, with no one else. I wondered why he's not hanging out with someone, perhaps a best friend or whatever. He does have one, right? I mean, he should. He's seems like a pretty chill person.

Now, someone who is considerate may see Hansol and join him alone at the table. Unfortunate for me, I'm not allowed to be one of those. I'm sure Sehyuk wouldn't mind but, who fucking knows what the others are going to say or do.

Finally, it was time for our last period. Psychology. Almost immediately after getting through the door, I scurried to Hansol's desk and leaned forward, slamming my hands onto the surface.

"Hansol!" He flinched, I guess I must've been too abrupt — and loud, at that. He looked up to me with a raised eyebrow as I continued, "Should we walk to the library together and leave our cars here or should we drive there?"

He blinked, "I walk everywhere, so really, I don't mind either."

"For real?" Whoops, I assumed again.

Hansol nodded slowly and, before I could say something else, Mr. Taeyang popped in from behind me, "What's up?" Great, I jumped. Seems like he wins again on 'Scare Byungjoo'.

I instinctively turned around to meet eye contact with the teacher, "Hansol needed help-"

Mr. Taeyang waved his hand and shook his head, chuckling as he interrupted my sentence, "You're such a horrible liar, Byungjoo. Class is about to start, so go to your seat, okay?"

I nodded, stumbling to my seat which was a few feet away from Hansol. Guess we have to discuss how we're getting to the library after school.

Which is exactly what we did.

Both of us took the first option, walking to our destination together as I left my car at the school's parking lot. I figured I can just walk back and drive home from there.

"So, you walk home?" I asked with curious eyes travelling to Hansol's.

He nodded, sticking his hands into the pockets of his sweater. I don't know how he can manage wearing sweaters (and gloves) when it's nearly ninety degrees out here. I would have asked, but it may just be his style and I might accidentally make him self-conscious or something.

"My house is down there." Hansol pointed down a road we were just about to cross. Looking down it, there's a lot of pretty houses. Wow, I'm actually getting jealous.

We reached to the sidewalk again before I said without thinking, "You must like it there, huh?"

He didn't answer, I think I pushed another button. Fuuuuuck.

Being the stupid guy I am, I recoiled and tried to put out the fire, "Your house, I mean."

I saw an eye smile, so that must be a good sign, right? Did I actually fix something?

As soon as we got to the library, Hansol got comfortable in the back of the library at one of the tables. I followed, obviously, and sat beside him. We started on the project, but got bored about a half hour in.

Well, boredom takes people far. For us, we ended up doodling other things. Hansol's butterfly sketch was pretty cool but mine...

"Is that a horse?"

"No, it's a butterfly."

Hansol pressed his lips together as he watched me. I'm not really trying to draw, to be honest. If I did, I'm sure it'd turn out decent. I finished it and crumpled it up, Hansol tried to stop me and stated how it was great, but I shook my head, "I wasn't trying."

"But it was great!"

"Nah," I chuckled, "you even thought it was something else."

Hansol sighed, "Sorry."

"Don't be." I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and prayed he's not going to flinch.

Oh, he didn't. He was still staring downwards, but whispered, "Alright."

I took a peak at Hansol's side-view, which is when I noticed two things: he's cute in every angle, and the mask he wears may be worn to hide something. There, from what I saw, were two parallel lines showing partly out from under it. I didn't get enough time to make out what it was as Hansol cleared his throat and pulled it up more, looking over at me. I guess I was staring and made him uncomfortable.

"Sorry, I got lost in thought," I chuckled nervously.

"What about?" His eyes filled with curiosity as they gazed into my own.

Great, now I have to drag the lie out more, "Oh, just, uh... horses."

Hansol eye smiled and snickered quietly, which is even more adorable — wait.

Am I developing a crush?

As of lately, I've been unwell and haven't had very much motivation to write, so sorry for the really late, possibly boring or badly written, chapter.

Stay awesome and healthy, guys.

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