Chapter Thirteen

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After school, Hansol wanted to take me somewhere. To be honest, I had not the foggiest idea of where we could have been going. He instructed me down the roads while I drove, confused and following his directions. Some of the streets I've never drove on, either.

"There!" Hansol shouted excitedly, pointing to a brick building just on the right. I pulled into the parking lot and parked somewhere near the front. As Hansol and I got out of the car, I observed the building carefully. It seemed a bit odd, like it looked too plain.

Rather me staying outside, Hansol pulled me by the hand through the entrance. Whoa, was that a rainbow flag on the wall beside me? I figured I was thinking too much about it, so I shrugged it off.

"Hansol, sweetie, come here." A woman from the desk in front of us waved for him to go there. Hansol pulled me along anyway. "You're a bit early, but you can go in there if you want."

"Thank you." Hansol bowed his head, tugging at my hand. We were just about to head up the stairs before the woman asked about me. He responded quickly and short. "Byungjoo." The woman hummed as if she heard my name before, resuming her paperwork.

Upstairs, there was a genuinely large table, like a meeting table. Hansol sat down and I sat next to him, observing the surroundings.

That's when it hit me.

I'm at the LGBTQ+ meeting my mother mentioned before.

It was around the time my cell died on me unexpectedly when someone else came in.

"Hey." The teen waved shyly, taking the seat in the far corner, away from us. It didn't take much longer for others to be walking through the doorway. Shortly after everyone seemed to get comfortable around the table, an unfamiliar woman with a clipboard came in and sat at the very end. She dropped her clipboard to the surface, her pen rolling a bit. I glanced at Hansol, who was looking at her as if she was like a teacher or something.

"Good evening." Said the woman, lots of energy clear in her voice. Some teens echoed back before she continued. "Got anything to discuss today?" Some more raised their hands and she pointed to the one nearest to her on the right.

"My teacher started using they/them for me."

The woman clapped enthusiastically as she exclaimed, "That's great, Jeong!"

Minutes passed by while kids shared their updates and I was already getting bored. Rude of me or not, I crossed my arms on the table and rested my head on them. I was on the verge of slumber until my name chimed from Hansol.

"This is Byungjoo, Ms. Shin."

I perked my head back up, seeing the lady shoot me another knowing look. "Ohhh." She singsonged.

Okay, pause. Has Hansol talked about me or something? Like, they keep acting as if they've heard my name before. Not that it bothers me or anything, I just hope there was nothing bad said about me.

Whatever, I laid my head back down and tried to sleep again. If only a certain voice hadn't suddenly appear in the room, I wouldn't have shot my eyes open and throw myself up to see who it was.

My instincts were right, it was that guy.

You know, the guy who slammed me against the bathroom wall, accused me of stealing some money, threatened me and Hansol, then punched me in the nose and ran off? Yeah, that guy.

Hansol nudged my side with a gentle finger, one eyebrow raised at me as if to ask why I flipped out so randomly. I kept my eyes locked on the male who was talking lowly to Ms. Shin, probably about an excuse for being late or something, and whispered to Hansol as quietly as I could. "That's him."

"Who?" He whispered back.

"The guy who hit me the other day."

Hansol's eyes widened as his gaze jumped to the raven-haired. I knew I shouldn't have told him, because the guy made eye contact with me.

Panicked, I rested my head back down on my arms and tightly shut my eyes. I was practically praying to every possible higher being I could to have him not come our way.

Unfortunately, a chair slid as a certain voice rang nearby. "Hey, Hansol."


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