rewrite + thanks

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i'm going to rewrite this story, as i've counted about fourteen people wanted me to do so. and that's really awesome of you guys, really. i didn't expect that many to love this so much, let alone 14.3K reads, 1.4K votes, and 385 comments. it blows my mind to watch those numbers slowly increase through time.

first, i want to say that i'm not sure when i'll be publishing the new version, but just know that i'm trying my best to write it and make it better than before, along with my other stories.

but a reminder that it will be on hopeverse because that's my new main, this account is dead af (well, other than notifying you guys here, of course!)

now i'm going to speak on a personal level, so if you don't like that then you don't have to read the rest.


when i first began writing this, i was going through a lot of harassment throughout a particular website, as well as an old best friend from school joining them in hating me. this was basically my outlet, and even though i didn't include everything that i felt, it was a big portion of how i felt about myself and others.

i felt really unsafe and scared, because what if they found me on wattpad? what would they say in the comments? would they try to "expose" me? one of them knew how to hack, and found out where i lived, it was so unsettling to me that i wouldn't leave the house much because i was scared they'd be outside, waiting for me.

it took a lot of courage for me to keep updating, because i'd be so terrified they were going to read this and think i'm baiting them or worse.

it took a lot of courage for me to keep updating, because i'd be so terrified they were going to read this and think i'm baiting them or worse

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i still have the note where i thanked everyone for the feedback and mentioned the harassment, how i felt it wasn't ever going to get better. i unpublished it soon after, mostly for the same reasons as before.

even though it had only a few comments on it, support from some of the readers back then, it still made me feel loved and that i finally meant something.

i'll tell you something i learned when i joined wattpad and became a writer: even if it's just one single person reading something and liking it, the author will be happy. votes and comments will motivate them to keep going, can show them that 'hey, i like this, i want more'.

i was having a really tough time, and all of the positive feedback i got was what made me keep writing, keep going.

i'm amazed at how far i've come now, because the bullying stopped a few months after i finished this book in august 2016. it was slow, but it did fade away. though i'm not sure if it ceased completely, no one from the group is bothering me or my friends anymore.

since i've talked about my experience during the making of this book, there's something else i want to mention here.

i've been having trouble trying to write, or feel the enjoyment of doing so, because of something that happened recently. it really fucked me up, like i can't open a document without wanting to break into tears.

this is why i may not get dl2 out so soon. this is also why i haven't given it my all when writing, if anyone has seen the recent updates on my other account.

guys, i just want you to understand that taking someone's idea for a book hurts and it's not right. it doesn't matter if it was based on something or not, when you come up with the idea to put it into a book, it's yours.

ask someone if it's okay to use the same idea as theirs, if you know about it. credit them for it. if the idea was based off of something, please don't try to justify it with "you don't own the things you're basing it off of" because although that is true, it's still the idea in which they brought into play.

honestly, it's a matter of respect, not just who owns what.

if no one talked to you about the idea beforehand, and you just suddenly thought, 'hey i'm gonna do this', then it's perfectly understandable if two stories suddenly click with no intentions of copying another's idea. it happens sometimes, it's okay, just let the other know that you had no knowledge of their book if it bothers them.

but please, please, don't harass the other person, don't talk shit about them, don't try to turn people against them, don't forget that they're a human being, too. they have feelings just like you do, don't think they're less than you just because you think 'i am right, you are not'.

i'm not saying i'm a good person, because i know i'm not, but i do know what's wrong and what's right. had this happened to another person, i'd feel the same way about it as i do now.

even though my friends and a few adults witnessed what happened and think just the same as i do, i feel so alone and afraid that i'm going to be put under fire for something i didn't do. i feel like when i post this, i'll go through the same thing i did when i wrote this book.

i really don't want that.

please don't misunderstand, i don't mean for this to be against the person who i've seen do this, i don't mean for this to attack anyone. i'm not mad and i don't hate anyone! they were a really great friend, and i'm sure they still are to others.

i really just want to try and educate people about this, because i don't want this to happen to another person, but i know it happens all the time. and it may or may not be in the same way as for me.

just please be considerate of others, okay?

last but not least, thank you so much for all of the support you guys have given me. it means so much to me, and when i see how much some of you enjoy this book, it makes me feel like i'm somewhat relevant.

i'll be sure to notify you guys when i post the rewrite, so until then!!

p.s. since the subject matter of this book is quite serious, i also want to remind you guys that it's okay to be upset, and it's okay to talk to someone about how you feel. sure, not everyone is like byungjoo, but they exist!! you just have to find them. you can always talk to me if you want help, or if you're just in need of a friend, i love making friends! however i suggest messaging my main because i don't check this account as much. you can get through this, i believe in you 

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