Chapter Ten

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Byungjoo invited me to his house again the next day, and was squealing when I finally said I'd go.

The school day went by fast and Byungjoo was leading me to his car directly after. He held my hand so gently and smiled so bright, I'm kind of glad I wore a mask so I could hide the heat I felt rising on my cheeks.

We were halted when reaching the outside, Byungjoo yanking his hand away from mine as quick as possible and grinning at the male in front of us, "What's up, Hyosang?" I already missed our hands touching.

"Why's he with you?" Hyosang, I assumed, pointed towards me, causing me to nervously look away.

"He's," Byungjoo paused and steadily moved to where I was behind him, "my group partner, remember?" Hyosang nodded, giving me a knowing look over his shoulder.

"Interesting," he crossed his arms and smirked, "so I'm guessing you two are friends?" I gulped anxiously, secretly wishing I could run away.

"Yeah, and what's wrong with that?"

Ugh, Byungjoo, don't start anything, we went through enough yesterday...

"Nothing," he began to walk away, "nothing at all."

Byungjoo slowly turned to me and grasped onto my hand again, "Don't mind Hyosang, he can be a real prick sometimes."

"Heard that," a familiar voice growled from a few feet back, Byungjoo snickering and continuing to lead me the way of his vehicle.

"Byungjoo!" A woman, I'm guessing his mother, scurried into the living room from where we entered from. While she hugged him, I took in the sight around us. A decent amount of sunlight illuminating the room from the pulled back curtains over a genuinely large window. Lots, and I mean lots, of potted plants were around in reasonable spots as the smell of lavender seeped through my mask and filled my nostrils.

"Eomma, please," Byungjoo pried her off of him, "I brought a friend."

"Do you mean Hansol?" I perked my head up when hearing my name, watching as Byungjoo choked on his spit dramatically.

Has he been talking about me? Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

"Yes." Byungjoo reached his arm around my shoulders and smiled weirdly.

"Aren't you just a cutie?" His mother poked my covered nose, my eyes widening in surprise.

"Eomma." Byungjoo whined, tugging me closer to him. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like his arm around me.

"Okay, okay," his mother sighed, stepping to the side and smiling, "You boys have fun."

Following him up the stairs and to the first door on the left, he switched the light on and gestured around the room, "Make yourself at home."

I entered before he shut the door and I couldn't help but observe everything. There were lots of posters on the walls, knickknacks set up in special places on his desk and shelves, and an already made bed. Everything seemed neatly put together ostentatiously, but not in a bad way.

Finding a place to sit on his bed, I watched as Byungjoo smiled and sat a decent distance from me.

"Hope this isn't awkward or anything," he exhaled slowly, "what do you want to do?"

My eyes bounced around his room before meeting up with his. I shrugged, not really knowing what to do. I mean, this wasn't my house. He sighed, leaning his back against the wall and propping his hands under his head, "Why not we enjoy the silence then?"

I nodded hesitantly, soon leaning my back against the wall as well. Minutes passed and I was growing tired, yawning under my mask. Byungjoo poked my side immediately, "Tired already?" I nodded again, feeling an arm snake around my waist and pulling me closer to the source of body heat.

Who knew the popular kid would be this affectionate? Why was he doing this to me anyway? Why hasn't he pushed me to the ground and tell me to kill myself yet?

I ignored the doubt I felt, letting my head fall to his shoulder and closing my weak eyes. I was unable to fall asleep, regardless of my exhaustion. What if something happened while I slumber?

Byungjoo sighed through his nose and whispered, "Can I ask you something?" I hummed, opening my eyes a tad. "Why do you do that?" I didn't know what he was talking about at first, raising an eyebrow in confusion. Although, it didn't take long for me to understand what he's asking.

"I ... I don't know, I just," I couldn't think of a clear answer. There were so many reasons, I couldn't think to say just one. I slid an inch away from him and shamefully hid my face into the palms of my hands. The arm that once was around my waist was tugging me over, allowing us to go back to how we were previously.

"You don't have to tell me." He mumbled as he rubbed circles in my back.

How can he be so calm about this? 

- screaming -

totally going to update again soon (hopefully) cause i'm in a writing mood

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