Chapter Six

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It was getting lonely, hiding in the boys' bathroom and not able to walk out unless I can make an excuse for not being there. I would occasionally hear footsteps and keys clinking outside the door, which I'm assuming that's the security guards. Great. Just great.

I was still sobbing, and naturally, I know how to do it quiet enough for no one to hear. I figured I'd be safe until I heard small footsteps enter. I panicked, looking up from my arms to find... wait, was that Hansol at the sink?

One of his gloves were off and he was about to roll up his sweater sleeve but he spotted me in the mirror. We made eye contact, a split second before he turned around and knelt down in front of me in the corner.

"Byungjoo?" He called.

I only nodded my head, afraid to speak and mess something up.

"Wh-" His own words were interrupted with a gasp, "Your nose is bleeding!" He sprung up to his feet, scurrying to get a paper towel. I wiped my nose in the meantime, indeed there was blood. I didn't even realize.

He came back with a damp towel and let me hold it under my nose. "What happened?" He asked in obvious worry for me.

I shook my head, croaking out, "Don't worry about it."

"Too late for that," he whispered, placing a hand on my shoulder, "Who did this to you?"

I sighed, giving up, "I don't know who the guy was but, he was infuriated. He thought I took some money from him."

"That's absurd."

"Isn't it?" I asked sarcastically, lowering my legs to sit crisscross. I wouldn't dare tell Hansol about the threat, lord only knows how he'd react. I don't even know if he's aware of the stupid rumours.

He sighed into his mask, scooting back against the wall beside me. He hugged his knees to his chest and that's when I saw his bare right hand for the first time.

There were all kinds of scars going up and down the bridge of his thumb, covered with fresh cuts. Almost as if a reflex, I shot up onto my knees and grabbed onto it with my free hand, tugging his arm over as I inspected closely. He tried pulling away, but I refused to let him get away from this.

"Byungjoo, let go of me, please." He demanded below a whisper. I didn't listen, I was too stuck on the fact that there's more on his palm and fingers.

I took hold of his sleeve, about to pull it upward, but his other hand fell atop mine, holding it in place as his voice was softer than the norm, "Please, don't-" I managed to win anyway, my heart breaking when more injuries were present over his soft skin.

"Did you do this to yourself?" I asked, looking at him directly in the eye as his traveled elsewhere.

I was growing more concerned by the second, raising my voice a bit but making sure no one outside can hear, "Hansol."

He tried pulling his arm away from me again, but I seem to overpower his strength, "Answer me."

I watched as his eyes were glassy. He took his hand off mine to cover his eyes as he murmured.


Nice going, Byungjoo, you intimidated the poor guy. Psycho-analysis, I do get hostile when I'm worried or in shock, whether I meant to or not. Oh, the instant regret of my actions when I realized he's probably weeping. As if I just bawled my eyes out, now I got the other doing it. Ugh, I'm just glad no one has walked in on this, yet.

I checked for anymore blood rushing out of my nose, there was none. I swiftly balled the paper towel up and tossed it into the trashcan before facing Hansol again.

"I'm not mad at you," I leaned into him, letting go of his arm and wrapping both of mine around his shoulders. I hugged him tightly and touched my forehead with his temple, "Please, please, please don't cry."

I'm going to hope he doesn't find this physical comfort at all weird.

Thankful he's not running away by now, he faced me and buried his face into my shoulder. I gently stroked his back and turned my head slightly to whisper in his ear, "We can discuss this later. I've actually been wanting to know..." My voice trailed off, I was nervous to ask him. I'm still surprised enough that I found a way to hold him tight without screaming.

After a few moments of silence, he hummed.

"I've been wondering if, maybe, you wanted to come over?"

"To my place?" I quickly added.

There wasn't a response before footsteps were nearing. We pushed away from each other as we both stood up, acting as natural as we could be.

As a random kid came in, he stopped to stare at each of us one by one, "Were you guys planning to fuck or something?"

Hansol and I exchanged equally confused looks before I met eyes with the kid again, "No? We're just friends and all." Ow, my chest.

The kid shrugged before he scurried over to the sink, turning the faucet on and splashing the water onto his face. Hansol and I filed out the door before walking down the Math and Science hall, "What was that all about?" He asked me.

I kind of knew what it was about. The rumours were definitely part of it.

Although it seems Hansol has no idea about them, so I'll save him the trouble, "Who knows anymore?"

I was about to mention the invitation to my house once again, but he beat me to it, "I'm going to get in big trouble now," he laughed, "But I'll talk to you next period, bye!" Damn it.

Guess I'll chill in Mr. Taeyang's for the little time we have left in fifth period.

i don't think this is a very good chapter for starters, aiyaa (▼へ▼メ)

but then again, it is almost six in the morning (▼ー▼)

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