Chapter Eleven

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The wind blew through my hair.  I checked the mirrors.  We had just taken off, and I realized we forgot Chlorice.  I put on the brakes and signaled for us to go back.  Once we got back I saw Chlorice slumped over on the ground, sleeping.  Amber got off of her motorcycle and helped Chlorice onto the back of hers.  Then we were on the road again. 

    We got to the nearest city and stopped because Chlorice was complaining.

    "What is it now?" Indie said.  She seemed very impatient.

    "I can't get any wifi out here!"  She screamed.

    "Shh." Sky made a motion with her lips.  Chlorice was somehow turning white.   I had the strangest feeling that Chlorice wouldn't last long without wifi.

    "But, but..." She said as she looked at her phone, tapping buttons violently.  "I.  Need. Wifi."  her eyes started to roll up into her head as she fell backwards onto the cement.  Her phone landed almost perfectly onto her stomach. 

    "Should we, like, help her?" Amber asked.  Indie had gone over to fan her face with a loose scrap of paper she found.  I shook my head.

    "Indie's got it."  We stood around for a few moments until Chlorice jumped straight up, startling Indie.

    "Wifi?" She asked demonically.  "Are you here?" She had a crazed look on her face.  She stood up and smoothed out her figure.  "I said, Wifi? Where are you?"

    This was the most words I had ever heard her say about wifi.  Chlorice ran at Sky, holding her phone in Sky's face.

    "Where did you hide it?" Chlorice continued, "Where is Wifi?" She practically screamed.

    "I don't know." Sky said frowning.  Then Chlorice started to crawl around on the ground like a drunk person looking for their keys. 

    "Chlorice," I said, "What the heck?"  I heard her panting violently.  I was afraid of her climbing up my legs, so I stepped behind Sky.  "Cut it out!  We have to get going."  Chlorice seemed to snap out of it soon after, but she still had that crazed look.  I kept an eye on her.  We got back onto the motorcycles and drove outward throughout the countryside. 

    I saw the sky getting brighter by the minute, so I decided to tell everyone to pull over, ditch the motorcycles, ask our partners to get them, and continue in the daylight. 

    "Careful guys, we can't get into any trouble about our appearances." Indie told us.

    People started filling in the streets and offices sooner that I thought.  Cars and trucks drove and sped past us while we walked down the sidewalks, wearing a black top, and some jeans we switched into for a little cover.  People milled by without noticing us, until a little later.  

    "Hey," said a man's voice. It seemed like he was right behind us.  "Why are you guys wearing the same outfits?"

    I turned around to see a boy that looked like he was in college.  He wore a white shirt that said something nasty on it, and he carried a soda can.  He also wore skintight khakis and had curly blonde hair.  He had a wicked sneer on his face as he walked closer.

    "Why are you getting into other peoples' business?" Indie snapped at him as quick as a snake.  The boy chuckled.

    "I didn't ask to get into a fight," He shot at us, "I was just curious."

    "Well, you have no right knowing." Indie continued.  I forgot Chlorice was behind me, so I suspected thing were going to get ugly real fast.  I heard a click of a heel and I already knew it too late.

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