Chapter Seventeen

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 I heard thunder boom once more, and I knew it was going to hit us very, very soon. I saw Sky and Amber on my sides, and Chlorice and Indie in the back. The trucks were getting closer. I knew we couldn't outrun them, we just wanted to get a start before they caught us. My legs were burning, but I ignored the pain and kept running. My side was on fire, but I ignored it too. I tried holding my breath while I ran, but that didn't work. That's when I collapsed. I fell to the ground, hitting it first with my palms. I yelled in pain. My legs were sore. I felt like crying. This was the part where we were going to die.

The men were going to come out of the trucks and shoot us, I knew it.

This is when the tears started falling. I didn't want to die. But I knew there would come a day. I didn't want to die by getting shot by my worst enemies. I wanted to die by myself. Alone. Sleeping.

I closed my eyes. When I reopened them, I saw and felt arms around me. Sky was carrying me. I looked up at her face. Her expression was worried, and I saw her eyes come down to mine, making me jump out of her grasp and start running with them. The trucks were very close now. They seemed to have menacing faces. I turned back around and saw a forest clearing now. We ran there, and kept running through the brush. Then, the rain started.

It came down fast and hard. Like a blizzard in winter, only not frozen. I couldn't really see anything two feet in front of me. I squinted and held my hands in front of me.

"Sky!" I yelled. "Where are you?" Then, I ran into something.

I felt around some more, and I felt a door. Then, a tire. It was a truck. A truck parked right in front of me. My eyes were now wide open, even though the rain was pounding me. I screamed — probably loud enough for everyone in the world to hear — and ran off into the forest, pushing branches and twigs and bushes out of the way. I ran into a tree, stumbling backwards. My head was now throbbing, and my nose seemed to be bleeding. I kept running. I tripped over a rock, and flew forward. I yelled, landing in the dirt, scraping probably every source of skin that was open to it.

I held my knee, hoping it wasn't bleeding badly, but then realizing the rain would wash it off. The rain was shutting down only a little bit, so I could now see in front of me. I saw a tree, and thought about hiding up there, and looking for everyone. I ran to it, and started climbing. I reached up for a branch, but my hand slipped because of the wetness. My breath got knocked out, and my arms flailed. My body was falling into branches, and then finally I stopped on the ground. I cried out in pain, still feeling the stinging of the branches. I gasped for breath. My head throbbed, and I felt the rain hitting me. I held my head and closed my eyes, trying not to scream.


I opened my eyes. It was dark out, and misting. I squinted my eyes, trying to figure out where I was.

Oh, yeah.

I was under the tree. I moved ever so slightly to get up, but I felt my sore arms and legs, and where my bruises probably were. I moaned. The pain hurt worse than ever, and I didn't even know if I could run. I mean, I was on the run. The Talaat was going to kill us all. I got up on my knees, and cried out in pain when I stood up to quickly. I started walking through the forest, looking everywhere incase of emergency; where to hide, where to run. A bird swopped down, and I jumped.

"Stupid bird," I muttered quietly to myself. All the trees I walked past looked like a place to hide.

Suddenly, I heard a fwoosh sound. The noise kept coming. I rounded some trees, and turned. A river flowed through the forrest like it had no problem. It was so wide, and it rushed so fast. White water curled over rocks poking out of the water. While I stood there, my shoulder throbbed. I'd realized that it was still broken.

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