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"What do you mean she's gone?" Richard demanded, his fist clenching. I licked my lips, looking down at the stack of papers beneath my desk.

"We were at a party, she was taken by Logan. Ended up at their place and Logan set it on fire, she escaped." I shut my eyes, remembering the night as if it was yesterday. "She was confused, and didn't understand." I murmured, hearing him laugh bitterly.

"Confused about what, Niall?" He demanded, leaning forward.

"I don't think that's your business, Richard." I cleared my throat, feeling my face heat up. "I do not tell my conversations to my co-workers." He shook his head, standing to his feet.

"I am not your co-worker, Mr. Horan. That is my daughter." He spat angrily, his jaw clenched. "I'm guessing she's confused about her feelings for you, yeah?" I stared at him, before I looked away.

He knew exactly what I was talking about.

"Look, Richard, I'm asking for your help." I spoke calmly, waiting for his response.

"No." He responded almost immediately, "I will not work with you. I will work on my own." Before I was able to respond to his comment, the office door was swung open. I glared at Jamie, her blue eyes wide in worry.

"Jamie you're suppose to knock. I'm in a meeting right now." I barked at her, her small frame flinching.

"I apologize Mr. Horan. But we have an incident." I raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue. "Lindsay had brought Ami Styles into her office for a private conversation about Little Lady." I glanced at Richard, a confused look on his face.

"Ami isn't here." He looked at me, "she's with Harold." I reached into my drawer, pulling out the gun and tucking it into the back of my pants.

"Jamie go back down stairs, call security and lock all the doors." I demanded, "I'll take care of this." Richard followed behind me, his breathing heavy. "I thought you weren't working with me." I demanded.

"Was quick to change my mind." He muttered, I opened the door to Lindsay's office, the man immediately turning towards me.

"Logan." I muttered, shutting the door behind me. "Coming on a bit too rough with my workers, Id' say." I glanced at Lindsay, her face turning red. Logan chuckled, the gun in his hand was trembling.

"How about you put the gun down and we solve this a different way." Richard demanded, "Logan, I know Ami would hate to see you like this." He chuckled, shaking his head.

"I have a message for you." I glanced at Richard who was staring at Logan, his jaw clenched. I looked at Logan, when I suddenly noticed something.

"You're not Logan." I stepped closer, "there's no way." The man reached into his pocket, pulling out a white envelope. He handed it to me, giving me a nod.

"You are correct, Mr. Horan." He smiled, "you're smarter than I had expected, but not as smart as Logan." He grinned, glancing at Richard. "I definitely enjoyed being your wife, such a great expierence," Richard glared at him, turning towards me.

"You tell Logan I'll get my daughter back." He seethed, "I'll do whatever it takes." The man sighed dramatically.

"Mr. Styles, I believe it could be too late." I nearly thought my heart dropped, "Logan won. Fair and Square." He pressed the gun against his temple, "if you'd excuse me." The loud ringing noise echoed around us, the door busting open with security.

"Clean this up." I demanded, reaching down and helping Lindsay up. "Are you alright?" She nodded slowly, not saying anything.

"I think she's dead." She whispered, looking at me. "Niall, I think Little Lady is dead." I looked down, shaking my head.

"No, she isn't." I opened the envelope, showing Lindsay. "We're invited to Logan's dinner party." I laughed slightly, "I know she isn't dead if we're getting invitations." I looked at her, grabbing her hand. "He wants something, and I don't know exactly what it is." She shrugged, looking down at the now dead body, who I believed was Logan's twin.

"Well, hopefully we get her back." She sighed, I nodded.

I prayed that she would make it out of this mess alive.

-Little Lady

The ropes were burning my skin and I almost thought it would cut my circulation. I remembered the night in the burning house, the rope destroyed my skin. Chills ran down my spine remembering that night.

The flashes of the camera made my eyes blurry, dots slowly filling my vision as I tried to stand on my own two feet.

"Alright, that's enough." The man put the camera down before he sat on the computer desk, the tall woman in black coming behind me, cutting the rope off. She stared at me before she spoke.

"You are to change into this dress and meet Logan by the main doors." She handed me a black dress, demanding me to change right here in front of everyone. I swallowed hard before I changed from the clothes, feeling eyes burning into my skin as I was getting dressed.

The heels I wore made me stumble slightly, and the woman in front of me gave me a disgusted look as she watched me struggle to walk. She stopped, turning towards me.

"Stand straight and don't stumble." She demanded, "Logan will not be happy." I frowned, suddenly realizing what was going on.

Logan was trying to be like Niall.

He stood by the door, dressed in a black suit with a cigar in his hand.


"Love, you look absolutely gorgeous." He pressed his lips against my cheek, an uncomfortable noise coming out of my mouth as he did so. "Come, the limo is waiting." He smiled, placing his hand on my lower back.

The ride was short, and rather slow. The roads were covered in ice and from what I heard on the radio, we were suppose to get a bad snow storm tonight, and that meant I'd be locked up in the hospital for the entire night. Again.

I shivered as we stepped outside in the cold weather, flashes of the camera's were in our face, Logan smiling widely at each one of them.

"Is this the woman who was raped by Mr. Niall Horan?"

"Did he get you pregnant?"

"Are you taking him to court?"

"Are you doing this for money?"

"Is it true you were homeless before Mr. Horan took you in?"

"Is this your new boyfriend?"

The questions made me sick to my stomach, and I immediately looked at Logan, who noticed the look on my face.

"It was all a nightmare, love." He whispered, "you thought it was me." He pressed a kiss against my ear, "when the whole time, it was really Niall who had done this damage to your body." He placed his hand against my stomach, slowly getting down onto his knees.

Oh my god.

My eyes widened in horror, I suddenly felt tears slid down my face.

I was terrified.

"Will you do the honors of being my wife?" He shouted over the loud snaps of the camera, a smile on his face. I nearly thought I was going to faint. I didn't respond, so instead he stood up, and slid the ring on my finger.

He pressed his lips against mine, laughing lightly, turning towards the cameras.

"We have fantastic news," he grinned, wrapping his arm around me.

"We're having a baby!"



the only reason the paps are around Logan is bc of Little Lady

incase u didn't know

but shit this is a plot twist

the next chapter will be based on the info about Logan


love u guyz


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