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Re-wrote chapter 25!

'And you remember that your punter went crazy last night

You drag yourself to the mirror to check your face then you cry'

-Little Lady

I winced when I rolled onto my side, a sharp pain shooting throughout my body. I cracked my eyes open, only to meet darkness. I sat up slowly, my body aching making me hiss. I stood to my feet slowly, placing my hand onto my side, only I didn't feel the silk of the blue dress. I was in a tank top and sweat pants, my heart was beating like a drum against my rib cage.

Where was I and who changed me?

I swallowed hard before I walked towards the closed door, opening it quietly. There was a small lamp on the table in the hallway, creating some light. My feet patted across the carpeted floor quietly, hearing some sort of talking down the stairs. I walked down them quietly, not daring to make a peep. The voices suddenly sounded familiar, making my eyebrows furrow.

"He said he will call soon, stop worrying." I couldn't remember his name, but I knew who it was. With sudden courage, I stepped inside the room. It was the kitchen, but I still didn't who's house it was. Zayn, Perrie, Eleanor and Liam sitting at the table. All eyes were on me.

"Morning sunshine." Zayn joked, making me smile slightly.

Where's Niall?

"How are you feeling? You took a hard fall." I looked at Perrie, shrugging. She got off the stool, waving me over. "Come on, let's go check in the bathroom." I followed behind her quickly, my eyes observing the naked walls. She turned the light on, making me look in the mirror.

I had a few cuts here and there, but they weren't painful.

"Some glass must of gotten into your skin when you went out the window, your back is bandage up pretty good. Your right side is bruised but it should heal soon, it's a bit nasty." She laughed, pulling up the tank top to reveal my swollen side. It was red and blue, making me shiver.

"W-where are w-we?" I questioned, she smiled at me before fixing my shirt.

"This is Zayn and I's house, you're safe." She smiled patting my shoulder, "Niall, Louis and Harry are on a trip. They should be back soon." She sighed, "come on let's go eat." I followed her back into the kitchen, Zayn laughing loudly at something that Liam had said.

"Come eat with us," Liam grinned at me. "The pizza is fantastic." I gave him a small smile and sat next to him, playing with my fingers. I thanked him quietly when he placed a slice onto my plate, while I observed it.

I've never had pizza.

There we're large circles on them, my eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.

"Is there something wrong?" Perrie questioned making me look up at her, I swallowed.

"W-what's that?" I pointed to it, she dropped her pizza, eyes wide.

"Wait, you mean-" she paused, "you've never had this?" I shook my head, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. Eleanor snorted, making me glance at her. She was scrolling through her phone, not eating any pizza.

"Wow," Zayn spoke up. "That sucks, like holy shit. It's good, I promise." He smiled at me, I nodded. It was good, I ate the slice within a minute and I was aready full. I stared down at my hands, small little cuts danced along my skin.


"Niall's calling." Zayn spoke before answering the phone, Eleanor's phone ringing shortly afterwards, probably Louis. She left the room, leaving me with these three. "Yeah, she ate and she's sitting with us now." Zayn glanced up at me, "how did the meeting go?" Zayn excused himself from the table, Liam leaving shortly afterwards to go shower.

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