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-Little Lady

I put down the curling wand, observing myself in the long mirror that was hung in the walk in closet. Niall had bought me a straightener, curler, make up and a dress with heels, and it made me wonder where we were going. I curled my ends, adding a light amount of make up. The dress was black and ended about mid thigh, open in the back making me feel uncomfortable.

I never really liked open clothing.

I sat on the edge of the bed and slipped on the black heels, sighing as I shakily stood in them. I haven't walked in heels in a while, so this should end well. I grabbed the cover up and covered the bruises on my arms, chest and face, feeling disgusted with these marks on me. It hurt seeing them, reminding me of what had happened. I traced the white scar on my neck that Niall hasn't noticed before covering it up, sighing afterwards.

A knock on my door startled me, making me jump. I put the cover up back and opened the door, eyeing the man in front of me. He wore a simple white button down shirt with black dress pants and his black shiny shoes. His hair was flat down and wet, his blue eyes roaming me.

"Dress looks nice." He commented, my cheeks flushed. I thanked him quietly, before he grabbed my hand and clasped on a diamond bracelet, my eyes widened. How does he afford this? Instead of asking questions, I kept my mouth shut. "Come on, we're going to be late."

We pulled into the driveway that was full of fancy cars, but that's not what caught my eye. The house, it was huge. A large, white mansion that had guards in front of the doors. Niall parked the car in front of the house, shutting it off. I got out, his arm wrapping around my waist tightly, pulling me into his side.

"Everything I say, you agree. Sound good?" I only nodded, carefully walking up the cement stairs so I wouldn't fall on my face and embarress myself.

"Mr. Horan." The guard nodded, Niall returning it. We stepped inside, my eyes scanning the large room. Waiters and waitresses in black and white were fishing throughout the room, carrying silver platers, several people dressed up in fancy clothing and jewerly.

I suddenly felt out of place.

"W-what is t-this?" I whispered in his ear, my eyes flickering up towards him.

"Just a meeting." He paused, "like a celebration." I nodded slowly, my eyes scanning the room. Celebration for what? Before I was even able to question, a tall man with bright red hair walked towards us, smirking.

"Niall Horan, long time no see mate." Niall shook his hand firmly, making small talk as I stood there awkwardly. My eyes wandered around the room, staring at the paintings on the wall. "And who is this beautiful thing?" Thing? Excuse me?

"This is my lady." I looked over at him, eyes narrowed. "This is Michael, someone I work with." Michael grabbed my hand gently, kissing it.

"Pleasure to meet you, Lady." He winked, not fully aware of my name. "I'll stick with Lady since blondie won't tell me your name." He chuckled, making me frown. My name is Little Lady.. He looked over at Niall, clearing his throat. "At seven thirty meet in the back room, we've got to talk about a few things." He glanced over at me, "don't bring her."

Wait, what? Don't bring me where?

"Oh," Niall chuckled. "You don't need to worry about her going anywhere near that room." He glanced down at me, "right?" I nodded slowly, giving him a fake smile before Michael walked off, greeting other people.

"Mr. Horan, good evening." A waiter came towards us, Niall grabbing two glasses of champagne, thanking him shortly afterwards.

"Here." He handed me the glass of champagne, I shook my head.

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