Chapter 1 Sara

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After Sara had been somewhat cured by John Constantine, she needed some time alone. To deal with everything that had happened. Her sister Laurel, had tried to get her to stay, trying to convince her that she would be there to help with whatever she needed. But Sara needed to do this alone. And if it wasn't cured, she needed to be as far away from her loved ones as possible. She couldn't have them getting hurt because of her.

Once she arrived to her destination, Sara messaged her sister to let her know she was alright. I have arrived to where I want to be. Tell dad I'm safe. Love you both. -Sara. She had messaged her. Once Sara was away from Star City. She had managed to let her mind clear of everything. And for a while anyways, she was able to think she could defeat this blood lust. Until something that had happened.

Sara had now been in Tibet for a couple of months. She stayed low as best as she could. But Sara was tired of always being in the dark, and being afraid. She wanted to try and become who she used to be, before everything that had happened on the island. She exited out of her small house she had found to live in. The place was abandoned so she assumed it was alright to live there.

As she wandered the streets to get a better look at the small town she was living in, she came across a small pub. She made her way inside and sat at the counter to order a drink. Sara stayed to herself as she watched her surroundings and the people entering the small pub. She knew she was safe here, nobody, not even her sister and dad knew where she was. But it was out of habit.

As she was finally starting to get comfy, and was sipping a few drinks from her glass, she heard some commotion coming from the opposite side of the bar. She glances over to see a couple arguing. Seeing the man starting to approach the woman, Sarah quickly gets up for an attack seeing he was lunging an attack towards the girl. Sara reaches for the man and grabs a hold of him slamming him hard against the wall. "Is there a problem here?" She said. She tried to give the man a chance to explain himself. But she could feel the anger boiling up. Seeing the man lunge for his attack on the woman, triggered a flashback for her when she was being beaten on the island, by one of the assassins for doing something wrong.

Before Sara knew it, she was being pulled off the unconscious man. She tried to escape free from whoever's hands had grabbed her but she couldn't. She felt herself being lead a way and soon she found herself locked in a small room.

Sara had finally calmed down where she heard the sound of the doorknob opening. She turned her attention from looking outside the window to whomever was coming for her. As the door opened she saw a tall man with slick brown hair and his skin seemed fairly pale. "Sara Lance?" He asked. She stood up from the window ledge and stared at the man studying him. She had never seen him before, but he knew who she was. "Who's asking?" He takes a deep breath before responding. "My name is Rip. Rip Hunter."

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