Chapter 3: Doubt

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After Sara and the rest of the team had left Rip, Sara made her way towards the foundry where she assumed her sister would already be.  As she stepped into the foundry, she glanced around.  It seemed rather empty.  "Hello?  Anyone here?"  Laurel was in the foundry working on her training when she heard the familiar voice.

"Sara!"  She rushed over to her sister as Sara stepped on to the platform and gave her a hug.  "When did you get in?"  Laurel asked after she pulled away from the hug to get a better look at her sister.  Sara smiled returning her sister's hug.  "I just got in."

Laurel looked at her sister sensing that something was off.  "Is everything alright Sara?"
Sara looks at Laurel and let's out a small sigh.  "I'm not sure.  I was asked to go on a mission...  And I am not sure that I want to go.  It seems like we have just barely reunited.  I want to stay here.  Spend time with you.  Dad..  The group.."

Laurel smiled a little.  "What is this mission about?"  Sara hesitated on what she could tell her sister.  "Sara.  This sounds like it could be like something great.  I think you should take it.  You've stood in the dark for too long.  After what you've been through, it's time that you be the hero.  And shine through as the white canary."  She smiles.  "You go on Sara.  And you know that we will be waiting here when you return right?"  Sara smiled looking at her sister then gave a small nod.  "Thank you Laurel."  Laurel wrapped her arms around her sister to give her another hug.  "I love you Sara." She said quietly.  "I love you too."  Sara whispered returning the hug.

"So..  What do you think I should tell dad?"  Laurel asked as the two had begun to spar to get Sara trained for the mission.  "Tell him I went away for camp.."  She smirked. Laurel shook her head.  "This isn't fifth grade..  This is something different.  You know what?  I'll think of something."  Sara laughed. "I'm sure you will.  I just wish I could be there to see what you come up with.."

Cold was sitting at the bar when he saw some movement coming from the corner of his eye.  "Mick.  Have a seat..."  He said as he turned his head to see his partner approaching him.  "I thought I'd find you here."  Mick said as he sat down on the stool next to his partner.

"I needed some time to think.  And I do my best thinking drinking."  Snart smirked.  Mick gave a slight roll of his eyes.  "About the mission..."  Mick said glancing over at Leonard as he had taken a drink of his bourbon.

"I don't really think this is the best idea.  I mean.  Why the hell would that idiot choose the two of us to become legends?  A couple of thieves?.."  Mick shrugged.  "You're asking me?  I don't think we should go on the mission.  As long as I can remember, it's just been us two.  And that's how I like it." 

All things considered, Leonard really was thinking of going on this mission.  But he knew Mick wouldn't like it.  Mick wasn't really a team player.  In fact, Leonard was surprised that the two of them worked so well together.  They've had their quarrels but they've somehow managed to work them out. 

"You what?  Are you insane?"  Mick said in his usual rough voice when Leonard gave him his answer.  "Look Snart.  There was a reason I chose you that day when I saw you in the jail.  Don't make me regret it!"  He hissed.  "I saw potential in you..."  Leonard sighed.  He knew he was going to get this reaction from his partner.  "Forgive me.."  Leonard said as he took his cold gun giving it a hard swing towards the back of his partners head.  He watched as Mick fell to the ground then dragged him to the address where the other team was already waiting for them. 

When Leonard got there, it looked like he wasn't the only one who had to knock his partner out.  Stein had managed to drag Jackson there as well.  "I was beginning to wonder if you two would show up."  Rip smirked a little seeing Leonard arrive with Mick.  Leonard rolled his eyes.  "Let's get this over with shall we?" 

The group followed Rip onto the wave rider.  Ray was helping Stein drag Jackson into the ship while Sara had grabbed Mick's other end to help Leonard.  "So.  Where are we off to first?"  Leonard asked once everyone was settled inside.  "Unfortunately I have no whereabouts on where Savage is yet.  However.  I do know of a man who can help.  He goes by the name of Professor Boardman.  Gideon.  Set the coordinates to 1975..."  "Yes captain.."  Gideon replied.  He looked at the team who he had gathered and went to sit in his chair to buckle up.  "I would buckle up if I were you...  The first travel can be a bit rough. This is more for your benefit..."  He said as he strapped in.  The team members gave each other a look.  "I would think fast..."  Rip warned.  The members did as Rip told and buckled just in time for him to put the shift in gear to take them to 1975.

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