Chapter 10: Finally Free

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"Do you think Rip will be okay?" Sara asked glancing over at Leonard. She was lying on her bed and he was sitting on the ledge as they were talking. "Of course he will be. He may not look it, but Rip is tough when he wants to be." Leonard smirked. "It's just.. He told me a few things about the time masters.. What if they're on Vandal's side? What if they wanted this trial to happen so they could strip Rip of his title?" Leonard narrowed his eyes slightly. "What sort of things did he tell you?"

Sara cleared her throat a little suddenly feeling nervous. She couldn't tell him what Rip said without giving away the why. Leonard gave Sara an odd look. "Are you alright?" "Yeah. I'm fine. I'm... Just worried I guess." She said hoping she had changed the subject somewhat. Leonard took a deep breath slowly placing his hand over hers.  "I tell you what. Let's do tradition and play some cards. Maybe it'll help take your mind off things." He said pulling the deck of cards out of his pocket. Sara sat up and shrugged a little. "I'm not sure that I am really in the mood."

"You won't need to worry about Rip okay? He's been doing this a long time I'm sure. Come on.." He said starting to deal the cards. Sara sighed and gave a slight roll of her eyes. "You're lucky that I'm not more stubborn than you, or we'd be going back and forth all day." Leonard smirked a little. "The usual five card draw?"

"Rip. What exactly are you saying?" Sara asked as they had all been gathered in the main room of the ship once they had received word that Rip was back from his trial. Rip glanced at the eight members. "I'm saying. This whole time we've been played. The time masters have been controlling our every move. And there's only one way we can be free of them.. That is to destroy the occultist."

"Then that is just what we will have to do right? I mean. It's the only option." Ray said. Rip shook his head. "You don't get it Ray.." "But I do." He said approaching closer to Rip. Rip shook his head. "No.. You don't. They've showed me the future. They showed me what happens. That is how you die.." Rip said quietly so the others couldn't hear. "Then that is a chance I am willing to take." Ray said quietly. Rip sighed a little closing his eyes. "I'm not going to get you to change your mind?" Rip said considering to destroy the occultist himself. At least that way he would be able to be with his son and wife again. "No. You won't. I can be just as stubborn as you.. Captain. If not more." Ray stated. Rip sighed a little then nodded. "Fine..."

As the rest of the team began to follow, Rip stopped them. "Woah. I can't allow you guys to come with. Not this time.." Rip said. Jefferson rolled his eyes. "Look man. You're the one who brought us here in the first place to help save the world. We're not backing down having come this far. And you're going to need back up. We aren't fools here Rip. We know exactly what is going to happen. How the occultist needs to be destroyed." Not having time to argue, Rip turned to motion the team out.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that..." A familiar gruff voice came from behind. The team once again turned around to see Mick with his heat gun pointed at them. "Mick? Who..." Suddenly Leonard appeared from behind. "I did..." He said with a small smirk.

"Leo..?" Why?" Sara said with shock in her voice as Leonard held his cold gun up pointing it at the other half of the team. Leonard looked over at Sara, looking hesitant at first. "You've known for a long time Sara. Mick and I are partners. And I made a pact with him. I let myself get sidetracked. But now we are back and badder than ever." Mick smirked a little watching his partner. "I knew I could count on you when it came down to it."

"What did you do to him?" Sara hissed making her way to lunge towards Mick. Ray and Stein tried to hold her back but she was too quick. "I didn't do anything to him Sara. He's been who he's always been. You just didn't want to see it because you fell in love with him." Sara's face turned pale at those last words. "I would let go of him.." Leonard said pulling the gun towards Sara.

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