Chapter 8: Left Behind

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After they had landed in Oregon, Rip had assigned Leonard to keep an eye on Mick while the other team members had dressed to play the part and make their way towards the hospital.  It was where the other ship's al had told Rip where Vandal Savage was.  That he was posing as a man by the name of Curtis Knox, a doctor in Oregon.

"Why'd you do it Mick?"  Leonard asked as he stood in front of his old partner's cell door.  "I told you.  I don't belong here.  We don't belong here. I was trying to get us back home to Central City.  Where we belong."  Leonard shook his head.  He was still trying to let this all sink in.  "What did they do to you?"  Mick stood up looking at his partner gruffly.  "What did they do to me?  What did they do to you!"  He hissed mocking Leonard back. 

"I don't know what you are talking about."  Leonard muttered.  It was true.  He had been just like Mick, when they first had been brought on this ship for the mission.  But something had begun to change him.  He was starting to like working for this team.  And he had gained some friendships he didn't think he would otherwise.  Maybe he wasn't friends with the whole team yet.  But Sara..  It was at least a start.  "You turned your back on me!  For the team!  When this is all over Snart, they will go back to their own little lives.  And forget about you and me.  But you and I.  We have always had each other's backs.  And I thought we always will!" 

Leonard took a deep breath.  "I will always have your back Mick.  But.."  Before he could speak anything else, he felt the jolt of the ship as it once again became under attack.  "Damn it.."  Cold muttered.  Mick placed his hands on the bar looking at his partner as he began to leave to see what was going on.  "Let me out of here, and I can help you..."  Leonard looked back hesitating a moment.  "I'm afraid I can't do that.  I'm not sure I can trust you, after what you've done."  "Snart please..."  Leonard sighed then slowly began to open the cell door, only because he didn't have time to argue.  Once he got the cell door opened, Leonard took off at a run to the main room of the ship only to see once again Chronos had found them.

"You let him free!"  Jefferson hissed as he saw Mick following behind Leonard.  Leonard gave Jefferson a cold glare.  "I'm here to help."  Mick hissed as he grabbed his heat gun to aim it at Chronos.  "We need to get out of here now!"  Rip yelled back at them as he lunged his attack towards Chronos.  "We can't leave them behind!  Sara is still there!"  Leonard's gruff voice came as he started fighting off Chronos.

Before Rip could do anything however, Chronos had gotten a hold of Mick.  "Hold on tight Snart.."  He heard Rip's voice coming from behind him as he watched Chronos leave with his partner.  "Damn it!"  He turned around rounding on Rip.  "What the hell Rip!"  He lunged towards Rip gripping his jacket collar.

Rip glared at Leonard.  "We will get them back alright?  But we need to leave now.."  Leonard quickly went to one of the chairs to buckle in as Rip went to put the shift into drive.  But as he did so, the engine made a strange noise.  Leonard looked at Rip giving him a scowl.  "What the hell is going on?"  Rip turned his chair to face Leonard.  "We may have a bit of a problem."  He stated as a matter of fact.  Leonard rolled his eyes at Rip's comment.  "Gee.  You think?"  He unbuckled his seat belt to help Rip figure out what was going on.

He sighed a little as Rip looked a little more into what had happened.  "Chronos disabled the ship."  He says looking up at Leonard.  "So what do you suppose we do now?"  Leonard said in his eery tone.  "Gideon.  Set the wave rider to before Chronos sabotaged the ship.."  "Yes captain.." 

"You know captain Hunter.  For someone who yells a lot at us for getting into trouble.  You sure end up in a lot of your own.."  Leonard smirked as he saw a glare from Rip. 

Once Rip had gotten Gideon to set the coordinates back, the two of them stepped off the ship and made their way to find the others.  "What do you mean she's not here?"  Leonard hissed.  They had found Ray and Kendra at the same house they had used to try and lure Savage.  Ray shrugged.  "She didn't like being stuck here so she left.  We couldn't stop her."

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